In the year 2525

[email protected] wrote:

It’s definitely an incompatibility, though, in the sense that it has
the potential to create a category of programs that will run under
JRuby but not (original) Ruby.
Except on 64-bit machines.

And don’t forget that there are plenty of platform-incompatibilities
already (particularly for Windows): Kernel#open, fork, shell expansion
differences when using Kernel#`, FileUtils.ln, gems that require gcc &
friends, etc.

Ruby doesn’t wall the programmer off from the OS, and so it has to pay
the price that Ruby programs might not work on every OS by default. It
has the benefit of giving the programmer more freedom, though (say, for
example, to copy a
frickin’ file
), and that’s good.

That said, it’d be nice if the difference between (and reason for) Time,
Date, and DateTime were made a little clearer in the docs. touches
