Implementing countries and states drop down

Abhi M. wrote:

Ruchita S. wrote:

Hi all,

I am implementing the functionality of cascading drop downs of countries
and states. I want this to be done with Ajax and ruby so that the page
dont get refreshed on selecting the country in first drop down.

Currently I have implemented it with java script and ruby. But the
problem is the page get refreshed when i select the country from
countries drop down. Can some one help me out in implementing this

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ruchita S…

please tell me the fields of the country,state and users table
collection_select(:country, :country_name, @countries, :id,

here the :country_name after :id is it a field in countries table?

Hi Abhimanyu,

The fields of countries table are id and country_name. The fields of
states table are id, country_id and state_name. The fields of users
table are id, login, first_name,and so on including country_id and

Now please do let me know what needs to be done?

Yes country_name is a field in countries table.

you can use observe filed

Ruchita S. wrote:

Hi all,

I am implementing the functionality of cascading drop downs of countries
and states. I want this to be done with Ajax and ruby so that the page
dont get refreshed on selecting the country in first drop down.

Currently I have implemented it with java script and ruby. But the
problem is the page get refreshed when i select the country from
countries drop down. Can some one help me out in implementing this

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ruchita S…

please tell me the fields of the country,state and users table
collection_select(:country, :country_name, @countries, :id,

here the :country_name after :id is it a field in countries table?

the code you sent . is this in a partial file?

Abhi M. wrote:

Hi Ruchita

Try to use submit_to_remote like this

<%= collection_select(:country,":country_name,@countries, :id,:country_name,{:onchange => "new Ajax.Updater('dd_cities', '/user/country_changed/' + this[this.selectedIndex].value, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});") %> <%= submit_to_remote("save", "Save", :url => {:action =>"action name", :update => "dd_cities") %>


Its not working. Is there some other method to implement it?

Hi Ruchita

Try to use submit_to_remote like this

<%= collection_select(:country,":country_name,@countries, :id,:country_name,{:onchange => "new Ajax.Updater('dd_cities', '/user/country_changed/' + this[this.selectedIndex].value, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});") %> <%= submit_to_remote("save", "Save", :url => {:action =>"action name", :update => "dd_cities") %>

is it syntax error

Abhi M. wrote:

is it syntax error

yes, td><%= collection_select(:country,":country_name,@countries,

:id,:country_name,{:onchange => “new Ajax.Updater(‘dd_cities’,
‘/user/country_changed/’ + this[this.selectedIndex].value,
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});”) %>

You havnt closed the double quotes starting before country_name. I hav
tried all the options but it’s not working. Moreover, I am not getting
where to use the second line of code u have send?
My code is as follows:

<%= collection_select(:country, :country_name, @countries, :id, :country_name, options = {:prompt => "– Select a Country –"}, html_options = { :onChange => "new Ajax.Updater('dd_cities', '/user/country_changed/' + this[this.selectedIndex].value, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});" } ) %> State <%= render :partial => "states", :locals => { :country_id => @countries[0].id} %>

Now tell me how to implement dt stuff.


Abhi M. wrote:
sorry there is no double quotes there
the second line of code is to save the data that you can write after
collection_select itself . But if you want to save states also

be within form tag


<%= collection_select(:country,":country_name,@countries, :id,:country_name,{:onchange => "javascript:selectedData(this.options[selectedIndex].value)"}") %> <%= submit_to_remote("save", "Save", :url => {:action =>"action name"}, :update => "dd_cities") %>

There should be a function “selectedData(selectedIndex)” and inside the
function you should have following line
var country_id = selectedIndex
<%= remote_function(:update => ‘dd_cities’, :url => {:action =>“action
name”},:with => “‘value=’+encodeURIComponent(country_id )”)%>


I forgot to put “}” earlier

Abhi M. wrote:

Abhi M. wrote:
sorry there is no double quotes there
the second line of code is to save the data that you can write after
collection_select itself . But if you want to save states also

be within form tag


It’s not working and I have to get it done today only.

My advice is to use observer field, instead using javascript codes.
its really messy

On Oct 29, 10:03 am, Abhi M. [email protected]

Check this link for observer field, same like that you can do it for


If you are still using javascript send me the updated code or else if
you are in hurry then try as Mr Bala has suggested for some time(say 1
hr max) Because its not good to change the flow often . Also javascript
is not that much messy if get used to it. I hope I have not confused you
in our discussions all along

if drop down is working fine
Please use breakpoint in the controller to check that whether the values
params[:country][:country_name] and
params[:state][:state_name] and let me know

Abhi M. wrote:

if drop down is working fine
Please use breakpoint in the controller to check that whether the values
params[:country][:country_name] and
params[:state][:state_name] and let me know


Both values are coming right. But the control is not going after
if… and therefore no data is being saved in the
database. Let me know if if i have done some mistake.

Abhi M. wrote:


If you are still using javascript send me the updated code or else if
you are in hurry then try as Mr Bala has suggested for some time(say 1
hr max) Because its not good to change the flow often . Also javascript
is not that much messy if get used to it. I hope I have not confused you
in our discussions all along.


I am really very confused. I am using javascript code only… dont want
to change the flow. I am sending you the code of view as well as that of
controller. I know what the problem is but really dont hav an idea wat
to do?

The name of view is new_client.rhtml.

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

<%= show_flashes :notice, :warning %>

Add New Client

Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
<%= collection_select(:country, :country_name, @countries, :id, :country_name, options = {:prompt => "– Select a Country –"}, html_options = { :onChange => "new Ajax.Updater('dd_cities', '/user/country_changed/' + this[this.selectedIndex].value, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});" } ) %>
State <%= render :partial => "states", :locals => { :country_id => @countries[0].id} %>

user controller:

def new_client
@user =
@countries = Country.find :all
@states = State.find :all
@countries = Country.find(:all, :order => ‘country_name’)
@states = State.find_by_state_name(params[:id])

def create_client
@user =[:user])
redirect_to :action => ‘list_user’
render :action => ‘new_client’

Drop downs are working fine but am not able to save data in users table.

Thanks a lot,

Abhi M. wrote:

Try removing
@user = from action new_client and replace
@user =[:user]) by @user =

Still not working. Again the control is not going after if
What should be done?

Try removing
@user = from action new_client and replace
@user =[:user]) by @user =

Abhi M. wrote:

Hi tell me how you know its not getting saved did you checked db.
refresh it and check . Here maybe
“if” statement is not working

Yes i have checked the database. Data is not getting saved.