I'm missing something obvious to a taglib programmer

I am trying to create, display and edit a referenced object’s text field
on the same view as my root object. I have just about come to the
conclusion that whoever invented of taglibs should be shot.

quiz.preamble_presentation references a Presentation object instance.
The Presentation object contains a property called text, among others.
The generated form will display the ID of the presentation, but I cannot
figure out for the life of me how to display/edit the contents of the
text property of the presentation.

What (I think) I want to display/edit is quiz.preamble_presentation.text

Thanks in advance,
David J.

The quiz/_form.rhtml contains:

<%= error_messages_for ‘quiz’ %>

<%= text_field 'quiz', 'name' %>

Preamble presentation
<%= text_field 'quiz', 'preamble_presentation' %>

Postamble presentation
<%= text_field 'quiz', 'postamble_presentation' %>

The ddl for the tables is:

create table presentations
ID char(36) not null primary key,
text varchar (1024),
audio varchar (1024),
visual varchar (1024)

create table quizzes
ID char(36) not null primary key,
name varchar (255) not null,
preamble_presentation char(36),
postamble_presentation char(36),
foreign key (preamble_presentation) references presentations(ID),
foreign key (postamble_presentation) references presentations(ID)

David J. wrote:

I am trying to create, display and edit a referenced object’s text field
on the same view as my root object. I have just about come to the
conclusion that whoever invented of taglibs should be shot.

The two args to text_field are the object and the field, so I think you
may need

<%= text_field :quiz.preamble, :text %>

I have no ruby with me at present, so if this doesn’t work, you may

<% preamble = @quiz.preamble %>
<%= text_field preamble, :text %>

Lastly, you might need to just drop down to basics and use

<% text_field_tag “quiz[preamble][text]”, @quiz.preamble.text %>
