How to model tabular data

Hi Everyone,

I have a requirement where I think a tabular data setup would be noice.
changing from a very well established paper system. Before I get into
I’ll exapnd on the requirement.

I need to rate items according to a matrix. eg

     x1      x2      x3      x4

y1 v1 v1 v2 v2
y2 v1 v2 v2 v3
y3 v2 v2 v3 v3

This matrix needs to be defined by the client and then stored in the db.
The matrix will always be rather small. I don’t expect even near 10 x

The x’s, y’s, a v’s are all AR models with X, Y and V classes

The X and Y objects are effectivley labels. I want to be able to ask
matrix for the value given x and y.

The X and Y objects belong only to this matrix but the v’s can exist in

I’m really at a loss for how to implement this efficiently.

So far I’m thinking that a model that holds everything is a must. Say
I’m also thinking at this stage that classes X and Y should acts_as_list
:scope => matrix_id so that I can maintian the column and row order

I’m also thinking that, in order to be able to keep the data organised
changing row and columns around is to keep the object identifier ( x, y)
with the data. I’m not completely sold on this idea though.

Really though I have no idea how to implement this. Anyone care to give
some pointers, or maybe a link?
