Is there a way to filter all finder methods on a model so that all
records where the expired column=1 are not returned??
Is there a way to filter all finder methods on a model so that all
records where the expired column=1 are not returned??
Hey Chris,
Check out acts_as_paranoid [1]. It’ll probably do exactly what you
need, though you may need to modify your db just a tad. If you’re
working with a legacy db and the plugin doesn’t work for you, you can
just go ahead and adapt the plugin code to work with your db.
Chris wrote:
Is there a way to filter all finder methods on a model so that all
records where the expired column=1 are not returned??Thanks
Model.find(:all, :conditions => ‘expired_column = 1’
Then put this in a method like:
def Model.find_all_not_expired
Model.find(:all, :conditions => ‘expired_column = 1’)
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