Extra pair of eyes for VersionCamp

I’m just wondering if someone is willing to check out a little tool
I’ve been working on last 3 days after work called VersionCamp.

It’s basic function is to transfer SVN changeset logs into BaseCamp as

It’s also meant to be a frontend for a Basecamp project. Displaying
the changesets, milestones and tickets(Ticket adding not done). And
also displaying messages in the a specific folder as documents for the
public. Like installation doc etc. Because not everyone likes Wiki. :wink:

Think of it as a dumbed down version of Trac just using Basecamp as a
backend. Basecamp will be where the developers hang and VersionCamp
will be where the users hang. No database is used. All information is
stored in Basecamp.

I just need someone to come with a fresh idea on how this could be
more useable for developers.

SVN Trunk: http://developer.waysofmeans.com/svn/versioncamp/trunk/
Demo: http://versioncamp.waysofmeans.com/