Escaping Characters in Queries

I have the following in my controller:

@company = Company.find(@params[:id])
@other_locations = Company.find(:all, :conditions => “name =
‘#{}’ and id != #{}”, :order =>
“total_annual_service_charge DESC”)

It works perfectly except when returns something like
“O’Keefe”. Now when O’Keefe is passed to the Company.find as a
condition the SQL craps out. Is their a way that I am suppose to
escape those characters? (I thought the escaping was done for me)

Thanks :slight_smile:

John K.
[email protected]

John K. wrote:

I have the following in my controller:

@company = Company.find(@params[:id])
@other_locations = Company.find(:all, :conditions => “name =
‘#{}’ and id != #{}”, :order =>
“total_annual_service_charge DESC”)

It works perfectly except when returns something like

It works perfectly except when your loving customers enter an SQL
attack. They could enter " '; delete from company; – ", just for cheap

This is why PHP has a reputation for insecurity - specifically its weak
support for replacement arguments.

ActiveRecord’s support is exemplary; read the tutorials, then do things
a little harder:

:conditions => [
‘name = ? and id = ?’,, ]

You can even get more literate (and place-insensitive):

:conditions => [
‘name = :name and id = :id’,
:name =>, :id => ]

Rewrite all your SQL-facing statements like that. Never pass a naked
string, even if you think you know where it came from.

(I thought the escaping was done for me)

That’s because ActiveRecord, in its cheapest mode, wisely lets you
anything you like into a string, if you don’t ask for escaping. You
use #{} to stitch together an arbitrarily complex string that
passes quote marks.

And I know that Ruby can override anything, but the #{} marks are
handled at the “” string level, before ActiveRecord sees them…

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Ahhh… yes… that is right… I remember reading about this! Perfect.

On 11/24/06, Phlip [email protected] wrote:

It works perfectly except when returns something like
a little harder:

And I know that Ruby can override anything, but the #{} marks are generally
handled at the “” string level, before ActiveRecord sees them…

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John K.
[email protected]