Could you give us some numbers, like the actual hardware you’re using
and the number of clients?
Right off I can think of a couple of things, like obviously making
sure you’re running Mongrel in Production mode and making use of
Caching. There are a ton of different Rails performance tools
available including FiveRuns TuneUp and NewRelic.
With some real numbers, we can probably throw out some real ideas.
On Jan 23, 1:02 am, Hema G. [email protected]
Rajdeep Pohanerkar wrote:
can anyone tell that what are the disadvantages f Ruby on Rails lets
I am not a good programmer of ROR but it can be said some times it give
too many problem and random behavior to implement the AJAX Use.
Kumar S. wrote:
I am not a good programmer of ROR but it can be said some times it give
too many problem and random behavior to implement the AJAX Use.
That is HTML’s, your server’s, your browser’s, and JavaScript’s faults.
The best that can be said for Rails here is it gives a good ride
despite all
those impediments!