Deploy steps for edge on shared host?

I create a one table/scaffold app on my local machine like so:

% rails edge
% cd edge
% rake rails:freeze:edge
(create database, table and link with databse.yml)
% ruby script/generator scaffold Person
% rails . (to update the rails app from edge rails)

This works on my local machine.

Then i transfer the applicaiton to bluehost using filezilla:

transfer to rails directory.
create subdomain called edge
create symbolic link:

% cd ~/public_html/
% rm -r first
% ln -s /home/YOUR_USERNAME/rails/first/public first

lastly i correct the dispatch files to look for the host ruby version.

But i get the famous ‘your application failed to start error’

Am i missing a step ?

I have just tested it again. And i can get the welcome screen but i get:

Application error
Rails application failed to start properly"

When selecting ‘About your applicationâ??s environment’

Soooo frustrating.

I had a thought and tried to check the vesion of rails from my edge
applicaiton folder.

using putty i ran the command ./script/about to show the version of edge
rails etc i get the following error:

-bash: ./script/about: Permission denied

Just to make sure i ran this command in my test application (same one
table test app but without edge rails) and it works fine.

It will be helpful if someone details their steps for edge rails
deployment on a shared host.

Then i can verify my steps and i guess there is something wrong with
bluehost ?