Debugging rubyspecs

Oops yeah I forgot that ruby_exe is probably used in some of the
How about we knock up a small ruby file that sets everything up and
through to mspec-run that we can just run directly without any command
arguments from VS debugger?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 22:29
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Yeah, that is correct. -t and -T, and set :target are used by MSpec, not
mspec-run (and it’s sibling scripts).

As for not using ruby_exe, it is used in various specs, and all of the
command line specs I am writing. It’s not directly required by
mspec-run, it
gets required during the loading of the rest of mspec. I feel that
is part of MSpec, just like should, the matchers, and the other helpers.

I agree that it would be nice to get rbconfig set up correctly, in
to RUBY_NAME. However, it does appear that RUBY_NAME is set to
if RUBY_NAME isn’t defined.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 12:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Sadly I don’t think that mspec-run looks at the standard command line
options for specifying the target implementation. I tried specifying
:target, … in my ~/.mspecrc file but it didn’t help.

To be honest, this is really a bug in mspec-run. It should not actually
require ruby_exe.rb at all as it doesn’t use it. It should only really
used when it is spawning off new processes.

There is an alternative solution which requires a change to the
file inside the standard libraries. The ruby_exe.rb file will look into
this configuration class and pull out the following to calculate the
path to
the ruby exectuble.

  bin = Config::CONFIG["RUBY_INSTALL_NAME"] ||


  bin << (Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT'] || Config::CONFIG['exeext'] || 


  File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], bin)

If the version of rbconfig.rb that is shipped with IronRuby was
set up then this would work automatically for everyone. This is exactly
the standard MRI version works when it requires ruby_exe.rb.

Currently the version of rbconfig.rb that is included via the
is found in Merlin/Main/Languages/Ruby/Libs/rbconfig.rb and specifies

TODO: Temporary hack to locate where we are based on relative MERLIN

layout paths. We will replace this with just the path to this file


we build out the Ruby/libs directory to contain our own private copy


the Ruby libraries

Note that this symbol should be redefined by the packaging script


layouts TOPDIR = File.dirname(FILE) +


CONFIG[“prefix”] = (TOPDIR || DESTDIR + “”)

CONFIG[“exec_prefix”] = “$(prefix)”

CONFIG[“bindir”] = “$(exec_prefix)/bin”

TODO: change back to ironruby

CONFIG[“ruby_install_name”] = “ruby”




From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 19:00
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Well, mspec takes all the arguments on the command line. I wouldn’t want
specify all of the options 2x. Once as the runner, and once as


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:13 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

That is a comprehensive description!

Its unfortunate it has to be as complex. Ideally, mspec-run will take
arguments (like the ruby executable) on the command line which will
discoverability. But for now, the workarounds will do.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 6:56 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I have updated the wiki. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense or
work for someone…


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 08:52
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The convenience of being able to hit F5 in an existing VS session and
getting to the breakpoint you have previously set will be worth the pain
setting it up for some folks. With mspec and Jimmy’s wrapper (which is
documented on the wiki), you have to edit the Ruby files you are
(which will require doing “tf edit” first), will launch a new VS session
which can be slow, won’t allow setting conditional breakpoints easily,
show unexpected exceptions prior to the sleep/attach which might be
triggering a failure later on, etc. Having options is a good thing so
can chose whatever works best for them.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 12:00 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

In my opinion, the most future proof way is going to be using the
runner (mspec) and a sleep, or using Jimmy’s debugger wrapper.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:09 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I did have to play with a bunch of settings to get mspec to work under
and its possible that I have set some setting that I am now forgetting,
I do not have RUBY_EXE set, and I don’t seem to have a .mspecrc file
Could you please update with
exact step you took to enable you to debug with VS so that others don’t
to go through the same issues?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:29 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK so I worked it out.

Mspec-run does indeed run only a single process but it still requires
mspec/lib/mspec/helpers/ruby_exe.rb. This file tries to set a constant
called RUBY_EXE but it is not able to do so: It tries to guess it from
various environment, constant and config settings. Since ir does not
RUBY_NAME you have to do something like set the environment variable
RUBY_EXE or have a ~/.mspecrc file that specifies the :target => … and


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Thursday,19 February 19, 2009 18:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

All the versions that IronRuby has used, have the outer layer CRuby
kick off a target implementation process. If you call mspec -fs core -t
“ir.exe”, it becomes a call to ir.exe mspec-run -fs core. For many of
specs, you can skip the outer layer, and run mspec-run (or mspec-ci, or
mspec-tag) directly. For debugging, this is what Shri is talking about.

As a side note, I advise not doing it this way in general, since there
environment variables set via the outer layer runner, which will affect
operation of Mspec. Until now, it has only been MSPEC_RUNNER=1, which
Mspec that the specs are being run by Mspec, not Rspec. However, Mspec
sets RUBY_EXE and RUBY_OPTIONS, to the values of the -t and -T flags.

Now that ir -e works (I will be pushing the new revision today), these
variables will affect the operation of the specs. Many of the specs that
test top level code, depend on testing a fresh process, or test the
line options (I am adding these right now) use the ruby_exe helper. This
helper starts a new process of the currently running implementation to
the specified command or file. Using the outer layer with -t and -T
that these specs are run on the proper implementation and options. I
that the implementation attempts to be inferred via other means
RUBY_PLATFORM), but the options are not as easily taken care of.

The wiki ( tells how
get things set up, and if you set things up correctly (using ~/.mspecrc
setting /path/to/mspec/bin in your PATH) you can run a spec file as
as mspec ci core/array/pack (to run core/array/pack_spec.rb). You have
make sure set :target, “/path/to/ir.exe” and set :prefix,
are set in ~/.mspecrc, from there it should just work.

Let me know if you have more questions on any of this.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:21 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri and Jimmy,

Thanks for the suggestions. What version of mspec are you running? I
running the head version directly from rubyspecs github: “d482804 Added
should have_constant matcher.”

In my version, the initial ruby process kicks off a new ruby process
(potentially a completely different implementation, like JRuby or
for each test run. So there is no point in debugging the initial

Shri, on my machine your instructions below result in “unknown: Unable
find a suitable ruby executable. (Exception)”, which I guess is mspec
telling me it couldn’t load ir.exe or equivalent as a sub-process for
executing the spec.

Jimmy, how do you attach to the mspec process in the first place? The
problem as above is true for just debugging mspec run …


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,18 February 18, 2009 17:59
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Here is what I added to This
pretty well for me. If the paths are incorrect, feel free to update the

Debugging with Visual Studio

In the Debug tab of the Project properties for Ruby.Console.csproj, set
fields as follows:

  • Start Action: For Ruby.Console.csproj, “Start project” should be

For any other project, “Start external program:” should be enabled and
to “c:\vsl\Merlin\Main\Bin\Debug\ir.exe”

  • Start Options: “Command line arguments” should be set to the
    following for running the “supports /i for ignoring case” example of

-v -X:Interpret
c:/vsl/Merlin/External/Languages/IronRuby/mspec/mspec/bin/mspec-run -e
“supports /i for ignoring case” -fs -V -B

Hitting F5 should now run the single RubySpec example under VS



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jimmy
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:52 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

You can pass the spec file to mspec itself like:

mspec run core/io/popen_close

Then I make a call to “debugger” debugger method · GitHub, which
on a call to System::Diagnostics::Debugger when a debugger is attached
the app. Unfortunately this breaks in a Ruby method, so you have to jump
a couple CLR frames to get to the line directly after the “debugger”
and I’m not sure of a way how to do that automatically. Anyway, this


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:11 AM
To: ‘Pete Bacon D.’; [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The easiest way it appears is to stick a pause in the rubyspec of
and attach to the process while it is waiting. It does totally kill the
computer performance while you are debugging (like minutes to step
each line!)


From: Pete Bacon D. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday,18 February 18, 2009 15:19
To: ‘[email protected]
Subject: Debugging rubyspecs

Anybody know how to run rubyspecs under the Visual Studio debugger? If
just set the rubyspec file as the command line argument in the debug
properties in VS then it just asks me to install mspec as a gem.


OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’

require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript

set :target, RUBY_EXE

set :flags, [ ’ -D’]

set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]

set :tags_patterns, [

[%r(rubyspec/), 'ironruby-tags/'],

[/_spec.rb$/, '_tags.txt']




Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project

Start Options:

   Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V


   Working Directory:


Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec guessing the
engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much of the internals
mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces to mspec and all we
doing is including a couple of files (that are unlikely to change name)
running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.


I might be wrong but all the command line arguments can be monkey
patched in
by defining a MSpecScript class like in default.mspec type file.

So what I am suggesting is that we knock up a mspec-debug.rb file that
up the MSpecScript class and also defines RUBY_EXE constant and then
the MSpecRun class.

I think then the only command line item would be the specs to run…

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Tuesday,24 February 24, 2009 07:31
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

So something that does what mspec does, without the new process? I
wonder if
we could just make mspec not spawn a new process if the running Ruby is
same as the target ruby. We would still need to pass -T and -t, thus
specifying the args 2x, but I think that it is better than maintaining a
separate script if something changes in MSpec.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 11:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Oops yeah I forgot that ruby_exe is probably used in some of the
How about we knock up a small ruby file that sets everything up and
through to mspec-run that we can just run directly without any command
arguments from VS debugger?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 22:29
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Yeah, that is correct. -t and -T, and set :target are used by MSpec, not
mspec-run (and it’s sibling scripts).

As for not using ruby_exe, it is used in various specs, and all of the
command line specs I am writing. It’s not directly required by
mspec-run, it
gets required during the loading of the rest of mspec. I feel that
is part of MSpec, just like should, the matchers, and the other helpers.

I agree that it would be nice to get rbconfig set up correctly, in
to RUBY_NAME. However, it does appear that RUBY_NAME is set to
if RUBY_NAME isn’t defined.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 12:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Sadly I don’t think that mspec-run looks at the standard command line
options for specifying the target implementation. I tried specifying
:target, … in my ~/.mspecrc file but it didn’t help.

To be honest, this is really a bug in mspec-run. It should not actually
require ruby_exe.rb at all as it doesn’t use it. It should only really
used when it is spawning off new processes.

There is an alternative solution which requires a change to the
file inside the standard libraries. The ruby_exe.rb file will look into
this configuration class and pull out the following to calculate the
path to
the ruby exectuble.

  bin = Config::CONFIG["RUBY_INSTALL_NAME"] ||


  bin << (Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT'] || Config::CONFIG['exeext'] || 


  File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], bin)

If the version of rbconfig.rb that is shipped with IronRuby was
set up then this would work automatically for everyone. This is exactly
the standard MRI version works when it requires ruby_exe.rb.

Currently the version of rbconfig.rb that is included via the
is found in Merlin/Main/Languages/Ruby/Libs/rbconfig.rb and specifies

TODO: Temporary hack to locate where we are based on relative MERLIN

layout paths. We will replace this with just the path to this file


we build out the Ruby/libs directory to contain our own private copy


the Ruby libraries

Note that this symbol should be redefined by the packaging script


layouts TOPDIR = File.dirname(FILE) +


CONFIG[“prefix”] = (TOPDIR || DESTDIR + “”)

CONFIG[“exec_prefix”] = “$(prefix)”

CONFIG[“bindir”] = “$(exec_prefix)/bin”

TODO: change back to ironruby

CONFIG[“ruby_install_name”] = “ruby”




From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 19:00
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Well, mspec takes all the arguments on the command line. I wouldn’t want
specify all of the options 2x. Once as the runner, and once as


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:13 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

That is a comprehensive description!

Its unfortunate it has to be as complex. Ideally, mspec-run will take
arguments (like the ruby executable) on the command line which will
discoverability. But for now, the workarounds will do.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 6:56 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I have updated the wiki. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense or
work for someone…


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Monday,23 February 23, 2009 08:52
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The convenience of being able to hit F5 in an existing VS session and
getting to the breakpoint you have previously set will be worth the pain
setting it up for some folks. With mspec and Jimmy’s wrapper (which is
documented on the wiki), you have to edit the Ruby files you are
(which will require doing “tf edit” first), will launch a new VS session
which can be slow, won’t allow setting conditional breakpoints easily,
show unexpected exceptions prior to the sleep/attach which might be
triggering a failure later on, etc. Having options is a good thing so
can chose whatever works best for them.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 12:00 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

In my opinion, the most future proof way is going to be using the
runner (mspec) and a sleep, or using Jimmy’s debugger wrapper.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:09 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I did have to play with a bunch of settings to get mspec to work under
and its possible that I have set some setting that I am now forgetting,
I do not have RUBY_EXE set, and I don’t seem to have a .mspecrc file
Could you please update with
exact step you took to enable you to debug with VS so that others don’t
to go through the same issues?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:29 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK so I worked it out.

Mspec-run does indeed run only a single process but it still requires
mspec/lib/mspec/helpers/ruby_exe.rb. This file tries to set a constant
called RUBY_EXE but it is not able to do so: It tries to guess it from
various environment, constant and config settings. Since ir does not
RUBY_NAME you have to do something like set the environment variable
RUBY_EXE or have a ~/.mspecrc file that specifies the :target => … and


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Thursday,19 February 19, 2009 18:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

All the versions that IronRuby has used, have the outer layer CRuby
kick off a target implementation process. If you call mspec -fs core -t
“ir.exe”, it becomes a call to ir.exe mspec-run -fs core. For many of
specs, you can skip the outer layer, and run mspec-run (or mspec-ci, or
mspec-tag) directly. For debugging, this is what Shri is talking about.

As a side note, I advise not doing it this way in general, since there
environment variables set via the outer layer runner, which will affect
operation of Mspec. Until now, it has only been MSPEC_RUNNER=1, which
Mspec that the specs are being run by Mspec, not Rspec. However, Mspec
sets RUBY_EXE and RUBY_OPTIONS, to the values of the -t and -T flags.

Now that ir -e works (I will be pushing the new revision today), these
variables will affect the operation of the specs. Many of the specs that
test top level code, depend on testing a fresh process, or test the
line options (I am adding these right now) use the ruby_exe helper. This
helper starts a new process of the currently running implementation to
the specified command or file. Using the outer layer with -t and -T
that these specs are run on the proper implementation and options. I
that the implementation attempts to be inferred via other means
RUBY_PLATFORM), but the options are not as easily taken care of.

The wiki ( tells how
get things set up, and if you set things up correctly (using ~/.mspecrc
setting /path/to/mspec/bin in your PATH) you can run a spec file as
as mspec ci core/array/pack (to run core/array/pack_spec.rb). You have
make sure set :target, “/path/to/ir.exe” and set :prefix,
are set in ~/.mspecrc, from there it should just work.

Let me know if you have more questions on any of this.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:21 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri and Jimmy,

Thanks for the suggestions. What version of mspec are you running? I
running the head version directly from rubyspecs github: “d482804 Added
should have_constant matcher.”

In my version, the initial ruby process kicks off a new ruby process
(potentially a completely different implementation, like JRuby or
for each test run. So there is no point in debugging the initial

Shri, on my machine your instructions below result in “unknown: Unable
find a suitable ruby executable. (Exception)”, which I guess is mspec
telling me it couldn’t load ir.exe or equivalent as a sub-process for
executing the spec.

Jimmy, how do you attach to the mspec process in the first place? The
problem as above is true for just debugging mspec run …


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,18 February 18, 2009 17:59
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Here is what I added to This
pretty well for me. If the paths are incorrect, feel free to update the

Debugging with Visual Studio

In the Debug tab of the Project properties for Ruby.Console.csproj, set
fields as follows:

  • Start Action: For Ruby.Console.csproj, “Start project” should be

For any other project, “Start external program:” should be enabled and
to “c:\vsl\Merlin\Main\Bin\Debug\ir.exe”

  • Start Options: “Command line arguments” should be set to the
    following for running the “supports /i for ignoring case” example of

-v -X:Interpret
c:/vsl/Merlin/External/Languages/IronRuby/mspec/mspec/bin/mspec-run -e
“supports /i for ignoring case” -fs -V -B

Hitting F5 should now run the single RubySpec example under VS



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jimmy
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:52 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

You can pass the spec file to mspec itself like:

mspec run core/io/popen_close

Then I make a call to “debugger” debugger method · GitHub, which
on a call to System::Diagnostics::Debugger when a debugger is attached
the app. Unfortunately this breaks in a Ruby method, so you have to jump
a couple CLR frames to get to the line directly after the “debugger”
and I’m not sure of a way how to do that automatically. Anyway, this


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:11 AM
To: ‘Pete Bacon D.’; [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The easiest way it appears is to stick a pause in the rubyspec of
and attach to the process while it is waiting. It does totally kill the
computer performance while you are debugging (like minutes to step
each line!)


From: Pete Bacon D. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday,18 February 18, 2009 15:19
To: ‘[email protected]
Subject: Debugging rubyspecs

Anybody know how to run rubyspecs under the Visual Studio debugger? If
just set the rubyspec file as the command line argument in the debug
properties in VS then it just asks me to install mspec as a gem.


I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
the ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of
these, and maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
already exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’
require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript
set :target, RUBY_EXE
set :flags, [ ’ -D’]
set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]
set :tags_patterns, [
[%r(rubyspec/), ‘ironruby-tags/’],
[/_spec.rb$/, ‘_tags.txt’]


Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
file just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project
Start Options:
Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V
Working Directory:

Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
variables, doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec
guessing the ruby engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much
of the internals of mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces
to mspec and all we are doing is including a couple of files (that are
unlikely to change name) and running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.

Hi Shri,

I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file and
blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb works is
the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and therefore ruby_exe are

What version of mspec are you running?


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of these,
maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’

require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript

set :target, RUBY_EXE

set :flags, [ ’ -D’]

set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]

set :tags_patterns, [

[%r(rubyspec/), 'ironruby-tags/'],

[/_spec.rb$/, '_tags.txt']




Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project

Start Options:

   Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V


   Working Directory:


Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec guessing the
engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much of the internals
mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces to mspec and all we
doing is including a couple of files (that are unlikely to change name)
running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.


I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
version number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be
the one from

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
file and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up…

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,
I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
gets loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file
and it blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb
works is that the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and
therefore ruby_exe are required.
What version of mspec are you running?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
the ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of
these, and maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
already exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’
require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript
set :target, RUBY_EXE
set :flags, [ ’ -D’]
set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]
set :tags_patterns, [
[%r(rubyspec/), ‘ironruby-tags/’],
[/_spec.rb$/, ‘_tags.txt’]


Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
file just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project
Start Options:
Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V
Working Directory:

Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
variables, doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec
guessing the ruby engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much
of the internals of mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces
to mspec and all we are doing is including a couple of files (that are
unlikely to change name) and running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.

OK so I am running a recent (if not latest) pull from the
github/rubyspec/mspec repository. May be that is the difference.
.mspecrc or -B file get loaded before the ruby_exe.rb so neither files
fix this problem. The only long term solution is to fix rbconfig.rb.
short term one is to set RUBY_EXE as an environment variable or as a
constant before any call to require “mspec”.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 07:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be the one

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,

I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file and
blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb works is
the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and therefore ruby_exe are

What version of mspec are you running?


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of these,
maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’

require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript

set :target, RUBY_EXE

set :flags, [ ’ -D’]

set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]

set :tags_patterns, [

[%r(rubyspec/), 'ironruby-tags/'],

[/_spec.rb$/, '_tags.txt']




Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project

Start Options:

   Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V


   Working Directory:


Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec guessing the
engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much of the internals
mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces to mspec and all we
doing is including a couple of files (that are unlikely to change name)
running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.


The other option, which I’ve already asked Brian F. to do, is to not
find the force the RUBY_EXE evaluation unless the ruby_exe method is
called. That will make it only matter when you want to run a ruby_exe
method. It sounds like there might be another issue, but I’ll look into


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:52 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK so I am running a recent (if not latest) pull from the
github/rubyspec/mspec repository. May be that is the difference.
Neither .mspecrc or -B file get loaded before the ruby_exe.rb so neither
files will fix this problem. The only long term solution is to fix
rbconfig.rb. The short term one is to set RUBY_EXE as an environment
variable or as a ruby constant before any call to require “mspec”.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 07:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
version number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be
the one from

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
file and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up…

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,
I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
gets loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file
and it blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb
works is that the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and
therefore ruby_exe are required.
What version of mspec are you running?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
the ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of
these, and maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
already exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’
require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript
set :target, RUBY_EXE
set :flags, [ ’ -D’]
set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]
set :tags_patterns, [
[%r(rubyspec/), ‘ironruby-tags/’],
[/_spec.rb$/, ‘_tags.txt’]


Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
file just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project
Start Options:
Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V
Working Directory:

Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
variables, doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec
guessing the ruby engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much
of the internals of mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces
to mspec and all we are doing is including a couple of files (that are
unlikely to change name) and running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.

Yes, that would be a good idea; then .mspecrc or similar would have been
loaded before ruby_exe gets called. I think they need to look at the
implementation of resolve_ruby_exe in that class anyway as I don’t think
looks at the :target option but I might be wrong. If that is true then
will still need to set RUBY_EXE in the .mspecrc or similar file.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 08:14
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The other option, which I’ve already asked Brian F. to do, is to not
the force the RUBY_EXE evaluation unless the ruby_exe method is called.
will make it only matter when you want to run a ruby_exe method. It
like there might be another issue, but I’ll look into it.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:52 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK so I am running a recent (if not latest) pull from the
github/rubyspec/mspec repository. May be that is the difference.
.mspecrc or -B file get loaded before the ruby_exe.rb so neither files
fix this problem. The only long term solution is to fix rbconfig.rb.
short term one is to set RUBY_EXE as an environment variable or as a
constant before any call to require “mspec”.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 07:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be the one

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,

I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file and
blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb works is
the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and therefore ruby_exe are

What version of mspec are you running?


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of these,
maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’

require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript

set :target, RUBY_EXE

set :flags, [ ’ -D’]

set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]

set :tags_patterns, [

[%r(rubyspec/), 'ironruby-tags/'],

[/_spec.rb$/, '_tags.txt']




Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project

Start Options:

   Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V


   Working Directory:


Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec guessing the
engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much of the internals
mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces to mspec and all we
doing is including a couple of files (that are unlikely to change name)
running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.


The version is some portion of the version 1.5.6 (I don’t know the exact
commit, but that is the version number)(Shri, if you ever need to find
out, it’s in a weird place. Mspec/lib/mspec/version.rb).

As Shri said, after my current task goes through (braving the troll
right now), I will try to make things a little easier and setup files
that should get consumed by default, so you won’t need -B.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:09 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
version number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be
the one from

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
file and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up…

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,
I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
gets loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file
and it blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb
works is that the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and
therefore ruby_exe are required.
What version of mspec are you running?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
the ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of
these, and maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
already exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’
require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript
set :target, RUBY_EXE
set :flags, [ ’ -D’]
set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]
set :tags_patterns, [
[%r(rubyspec/), ‘ironruby-tags/’],
[/_spec.rb$/, ‘_tags.txt’]


Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
file just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project
Start Options:
Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V
Working Directory:

Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
variables, doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec
guessing the ruby engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much
of the internals of mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces
to mspec and all we are doing is including a couple of files (that are
unlikely to change name) and running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.

I think it is currently by design that resolve_ruby_exe doesn’t look at
:target, but it would be a good heuristic to add. ENV[‘RUBY_EXE’] gets
set to :target by mspec/lib/mspec/commands/mspec.rb, but it probably
makes sense to move that into mspec/lib/mspec/utils/script.rb so it gets
called by all runners.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:35 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Yes, that would be a good idea; then .mspecrc or similar would have been
loaded before ruby_exe gets called. I think they need to look at the
implementation of resolve_ruby_exe in that class anyway as I don’t think
it looks at the :target option but I might be wrong. If that is true
then you will still need to set RUBY_EXE in the .mspecrc or similar

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jim D.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 08:14
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

The other option, which I’ve already asked Brian F. to do, is to not
find the force the RUBY_EXE evaluation unless the ruby_exe method is
called. That will make it only matter when you want to run a ruby_exe
method. It sounds like there might be another issue, but I’ll look into


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:52 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK so I am running a recent (if not latest) pull from the
github/rubyspec/mspec repository. May be that is the difference.
Neither .mspecrc or -B file get loaded before the ruby_exe.rb so neither
files will fix this problem. The only long term solution is to fix
rbconfig.rb. The short term one is to set RUBY_EXE as an environment
variable or as a ruby constant before any call to require “mspec”.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Thursday,26 February 26, 2009 07:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I am not sure how to describe our version of mspec. I don’t see any
version number in the mspec folder. Jim should confirm, but it must be
the one from

Btw, Jim is looking to make it easier to run mspec by adding a .mspecrc
file and some other utility commands. Lets see if that clears this up…

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

Hi Shri,
I tried just using the -B option with this information inside my
default.mspec file but in my install of mspec, the default.mspec never
gets loaded as the ruby_exe.rb is required before the mspec.default file
and it blows up inside ruby_exe.rb. The reason that mspec-debug.rb
works is that the RUBY_EXE constant is defined before mspec and
therefore ruby_exe are required.
What version of mspec are you running?

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shri B.
Sent: Wednesday,25 February 25, 2009 21:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

I checked a bit, and I don’t have a RUBY_EXE environment variable, or a
%HOME%.mspecrc file. Peter, did you use “-B /path/to/default.mspec” in
the ir.exe command-line, and does it set :target? I do have both of
these, and maybe that is why it works for me.

If mspec-debug.rb works for you, sure, you should add a note on the wiki
about it. I would be fine with using either a default.mspec (which
already exists) or a mspec-debug.rb.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Pete Bacon
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Debugging rubyspecs

OK, this is what I mean. I save the following file (attached also) as

RUBY_EXE = ‘d:/dev/ruby/ironruby/current/Merlin/Main/Bin/debug/ir.exe’

$:.unshift ‘d:/dev/ruby/mspec/lib’

require ‘mspec/commands/mspec-run’
require ‘mspec’

class MSpecScript
set :target, RUBY_EXE
set :flags, [ ’ -D’]
set :ci_files, [“rubyspec/1.8/core”,]
set :tags_patterns, [
[%r(rubyspec/), ‘ironruby-tags/’],
[/_spec.rb$/, ‘_tags.txt’]


Once you have modified the paths for your setup, you can then run this
file just like mspec-run:

/path/to/ir.exe mspec-debug.rb /path/to/rubyspec/some_spec.rb

In the VS Ruby.Console project properties I set the following:

Start Action: Start Project
Start Options:
Command Line Options: -D mspec-debug.rb -V
Working Directory:

Then I can set breakpoints in the C# code to debug and so on.

This solution is self contained, doesn’t require any environment
variables, doesn’t spawn any sub processes and doesn’t rely on mspec
guessing the ruby engine. I personally don’t feel that it uses too much
of the internals of mspec: the configuration bits are public interfaces
to mspec and all we are doing is including a couple of files (that are
unlikely to change name) and running a single class method.

Let me know what you think.