

I am trying to develop a small utility to manage inventories for

At the moment I have the following tables to show a many_to_many-
relationship between items(like tents/sleepingbags) and users:

items <-> holdings(join) <-> users

id user_id id
name item_id name
… number password
id …

Now i want to expand my model with journeys .

A journey should have many users and many users should have many
journeys. That will result in the following tables:

journeys <-> journeys_users <-> users

id journey_id id
name item_id name
… password

Here is my problem:

I now want to relate inventory(holdings) to journeys, so that i can
show how many tents/sleepingbacks are carried in one journey.

Whats the most effective way doing this?

* should i expand the holdings table with a journey_id-column     OR
* should i create a new table journeys_holdings with journey_id and

holding_id as column?

Thanks in advance,