Config file for only static files

On Saturday 05 April 2008, you wrote:

Give the gzip_static module a try to avoid gzip’ing content on the fly

Use 7za a -tzip -mx9 filename.gz filename

To achieve the maximum compression up front

is it right to give zip file to browser instead of gzip?

btw AdvanceCOMP utils have better(best?) gzip compression rate

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 12:11:09PM +0200, Roxis wrote:

On Saturday 05 April 2008, you wrote:

Give the gzip_static module a try to avoid gzip’ing content on the fly

Use 7za a -tzip -mx9 filename.gz filename

To achieve the maximum compression up front

is it right to give zip file to browser instead of gzip?

As I understand, 7z can create gzip compatible files.