I modified a previous poster’s program that used hashes (good idea!).
Now there’s only one hash, which counts the number of identical keys
instead of actually storing the values. I then decrement the hash values
for each key in b. If a and b are equal, all values in the hash should
be 0. I also immediately reject as non-equal two arrays of different
sizes. Seems to work for his test cases (and some I added), and I guess
is probably smaller and faster. Are there any holes in this solution?
def content_eq a, b
return false if a.length != b.length
ah = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0 }
a.each {|x| ah[x] += 1 }
b.each {|x| ah[x] -= 1 }
Not equal if any non-zero values
not ah.values.detect {|v| v != 0 }
pairs = [
[ [1,2,3,4,“abc”], [2,3,1,“abc”,4] ],
[ [1,2,3], [1,1,2,3] ],
[ [1,2,3,nil], [nil, nil, nil, 1,2,1,3,2] ],
[ [], [] ],
[ [], [nil] ],
[ [/^$/], [/^$/] ],
[ [/^$/], [/^/] ],
[ [nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil] ],
pairs.each{|a,b| puts “content_eq(#{ a.inspect }, #{ b.inspect }) #=> #{
content_eq a, b }”}
content_eq([1, 2, 3, 4, “abc”], [2, 3, 1, “abc”, 4]) #=> true
content_eq([1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2, 3]) #=> false
content_eq([1, 2, 3, nil], [nil, nil, nil, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2]) #=> false
content_eq([], []) #=> true
content_eq([], [nil]) #=> false
content_eq([/^$/], [/^$/]) #=> true
content_eq([/^$/], [/^/]) #=> false
content_eq([nil, nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil]) #=> true