Thank you for the reply. I am certainly interested in javascript
books. I am interested in books that you have read, learned from, and
consider a keeper. The best of the bunch. A book that influenced you
in such a way that changed the way you programmed from that point
forward. What’s your favorite book?
The ‘why’ of language design and implementation: “Programming Language
Pragmatics” by Michael Scott
I’m currently being tasked to play C++ programmer, so I’m groking Booch
et al “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, “UML Distilled” by Martin,
Stroustrop’s books and a nifty one called “C++ Template Metaprogramming”
by Abrahams and Gurtovoy.
Speaking of metaprogramming, “Metaprogramming Ruby” is well worth a
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Wilde, Donald S [email protected] wrote:
I’m currently being tasked to play C++ programmer, so I’m groking Booch et al
“Object Oriented Analysis and Design”
This was my first “Serious OO” text, and in retrospect I can’t
recommend it. Very dry, very dull, probably could have been stated in
half as many pages. It was one of those books that I had trouble
remembering anything I’d read the next day because it was so dull to
read. I wish I had started out with Bertrand Meyer. Or perhaps Rebecca
Wirfs-Brock; I’ve heard very good things about her approach.
Thank you for the reply. I am certainly interested in javascript
books. I am interested in books that you have read, learned from, and
consider a keeper. The best of the bunch. A book that influenced you
in such a way that changed the way you programmed from that point
forward. What’s your favorite book?
I am quite sure K&R is one, but since a lot of people had already
mentioned it, I didn’t bother. Gregory B.'s Ruby Best Practices
influenced my Ruby a lot.
I started programming in 8th grade with Robert Lafore’s Object
Oriented Programming in C++, and a year later Deitel and Deitel’s Java
How To Program. But it doesn’t really count for much more than
sentimental value at this point.
Apart from this I am not sure if a book has influenced me so much that
it changed the way I program. Its mostly been people who have
influenced me such, like one of my surrogate mentors in the previous
summer of code. But then I must admit, I haven’t read a lot either, or
written loads of code. I am still very much learning :).
I can add two more books to the list that I like a lot though:
Kernighan and Pike’s The Practice of Programming, and Peter Siebel’s
Coders at Work. I learned from them a lot, and consider them a keeper.
Wow, those are a lot of books, as a beginner programmer, I don’t have
a clue where to start from.
I’d recommend How To Design Programs [] as an
excellent first book. The authors have years of experience in teaching
computer science and programming, and have clearly put a lot of
thought into the presentation and development of the material.
Well, I go back to the days when the series: “The Art of Computer
Programming” by Donald E. Knuth, was the standard and mandatory on my
That was back on the mid to late '70s.
Yes - Knuth’s book is the definitive one for the true art of
programming. It has no parallel.
In terms of understanding computers, I think ‘Code: The Hidden Language
of Computer Hardware and Software’ by Petzold covers the essentials well
knowing what a computer is, helps in using one.
And Brooke’s ‘Mythical Man-Month’ gives great insight into how to run
and manage computer projects. I like his own quote regarding his work
“like the Bible, it’s often quoted; rarely followed.”
I believe these three would provide any reader with an excellent bread
and depth of knowledge.
Wow, those are a lot of books, as a beginner programmer, I don’t have
a clue where to start from.
I’d recommend How To Design Programs [] as an
excellent first book. The authors have years of experience in teaching
computer science and programming, and have clearly put a lot of
thought into the presentation and development of the material.
I would also second Martin on this suggestion. HDTP is an extremely
well written and informative book for somebody new to programming.
While a CS student at Northeastern, I took Felleisen’s class that was
based around this book.
I would also recommend:
The Well Grounded Rubyist by David Black
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (The W.ard Book)
The C Programming Language - Kernighan & Ritchie
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:08:04PM +0900, Vincius wrote:
Wow, those are a lot of books, as a beginner programmer, I don’t have
a clue where to start from.
Do you want a specifically Ruby-oriented way to start, or just a way to
start programming in general? It’s easier to answer the first question
than the second, because people will disagree about the best way to
in general, while the lineup of available Ruby books is much more
manageable. Here’s my answer to how to make a specifically
10 Great Books And Other Resources For Learning R.
There is a classic series online called “How to Think Like a Computer
You can use those to not only get some theory but also get into the
syntax of the languages in which you may be interested. Though the
ruby one of not complete you can use one of the other languages to
bridge the knowledge to ruby. I believe the book is available for
Java, C++, and Python. The Ruby one is apparently stillborn.
This series is “free” online with both html and pdf available. They
are canonical and pedagogical for beginners. This is a good place to
start IMHO.