When I do rake deploy I have an error. As you can see, capistrano
tryes to ln a dir that already removed (and I think that the
directory is never created by capistrano).
Before this command I made rake remote:exec ACTION=“setup” that
executed the following command:
mkdir -p -m 775 /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases /home/
explicadores/apps/tutor/shared/system &&
mkdir -p -m 777 /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/shared/log"
This is the first time that I am using capistrano and my deploy.rb
has the following
set :application, …
set :repository, …
role :web, …
role :app, …
role :db, …
set :deploy_to, …
set :user, …
the error is:
** Invoke deploy (first_time)
** Invoke remote:deploy (first_time)
** Execute remote:deploy
loading configuration /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/
loading configuration ./config/deploy.rb
executing task deploy
** transaction: start -
executing task update_code
querying latest revision…
executing “if [[ ! -d /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/
20060905151635 ]]; then
svn co -q -r4 --username **** --password ****** http://
void.clustercube.com/svn/tutor/trunk/ /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/
releases/20060905151635 &&
(test -e /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/revisions.log || touch /home/
explicadores/apps/tutor/revisions.log && chmod 666 /home/explicadores/
apps/tutor/revisions.log) && echodate +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"
$USER 4 20060905151635 >> /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/revisions.log;
servers: [“firebird.clustercube.com”]
Password: *******[firebird.clustercube.com] executing command
command finished -
executing “rm -rf /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/
20060905151635/log /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/
20060905151635/public/system &&\n ln -nfs /home/explicadores/apps/
tutor/shared/log /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/
20060905151635/log &&\n ln -nfs /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/
shared/system /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/20060905151635/
servers: [“firebird.clustercube.com”]
[firebird.clustercube.com] executing command
** [out :: firebird.clustercube.com] ln:
** [out :: firebird.clustercube.com] /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/
** [out :: firebird.clustercube.com] :
** [out :: firebird.clustercube.com] No such file or directory
command finished
*** [update_code] transaction: rollback -
[update_code] rolling back
executing “rm -rf /home/explicadores/apps/tutor/releases/
servers: [“firebird.clustercube.com”]
[firebird.clustercube.com] executing command
command finished
rake aborted!
Thank you for your attention.
Paulo A.