Hi All,
I’d like to let you know about a new Rails hosting company that provides
VPS and dedicated servers preconfigured and optimized to run Lighttpd
and Ruby on Rails. Application configuration and deployment is done
through SwitchTower using our custom extension available as a Ruby gem.
Watch the screencast of deploying a Rails application in 5 minutes!
We will be launching in April. After the launch, we plan on open
sourcing our gem and a server recipe to use with it.
Bradley Taylor
Rails Machine
Simplified web application deployment
Looks great! Are you doing any betas right now?
Joseph H. wrote:
Looks great! Are you doing any betas right now?
Thanks! We’re doing a private beta at the moment. Signup for the mailing
list and we’ll notify you of any changes. We’ve received an excellent
response from the community and are factoring it into our plans.
If you have any more questions about our service or Rails deployment in
general, stop by our Campfire chat room.
Bradley Taylor
Rails Machine
Simplified web application deployment