[ANN] acts_as_solr has been updated to v.0.6.5

The last release announcement of version 0.6 has been updated to version
0.6.5, which includes:

  • Added multi-model search, which can be used to execute a search across
    multiple models:

Book.multi_solr_search “Napoleon OR Tom”, :models => [Movie]


Accepts the same options as find_by_solr plus:

models: The additional models you’d like to include in the search
results_format: Specify the format of the results found (:objects or

:objects will return an array with the results being objects (default).
Book.multi_solr_search “Napoleon OR Tom”, :models => [Movie],
:results_format => :objects

:ids will return an array with the ids of each entry found. Example:
Book.multi_solr_search “Napoleon OR Tom”, :models => [Movie],
:results_format => :ids
=> [{“id” => “Movie:1”},{“id” => Book:1}] # Where the value of each
array is as Model:instance_id

For more info => http://acts-as-solr.rubyforge.org
Repository => http://opensvn.csie.org/acts_as_solr