Alias for *table*_id

I have a table contacts, in another controller I refer to a particular
contact_id as transfer_attorney_id or electrical_inspector_id - how do I
create the necessary alias in the Contacts model?

bmgz wrote:

I have a table contacts, in another controller I refer to a particular
contact_id as transfer_attorney_id or electrical_inspector_id - how do I
create the necessary alias in the Contacts model?

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sorry i didn’t explain this well,

I guess ill have to have an alias (transfer_attornies) for the table
contacts, currently in my controller I have to do the following:

@contract = Contract.find(params[:id])
@attorney = Contact.find(@contract.transfer_attorney_id)

istead I want to do this

@contract = Contract.find(params[:id])
@attorney = Contact.find_by_transfer_attorney_id()

(or something like that…)