Adding something to a Date object


( + 1.year).to_s(:db) works fine => “2007-08-24 20:56:38”
( + 1.year).to_s(:db) produce wrong result => “88408-06-02”

I wonder why calculations are not possible directly on the Date object


nuno wrote:


( + 1.year).to_s(:db) works fine => “2007-08-24 20:56:38”
( + 1.year).to_s(:db) produce wrong result => “88408-06-02”

In Ruby, Date and Time are different types. The + operator for Time
will add seconds. The + operator for Date adds days.

The 1.year is basically just a multiplier of seconds. So, if for some
reason you want to use Date instead of Time, you should convert it to
Time before adding:

( + 1.year).to_s(:db)
=> “2007-08-24 06:00:00”