I’ve got two models: Photo and Tag, which have an M to N relationship.
When I run Photo.find and specify “tag = foo” as a condition, I get a
of all photos associated with tag foo. So far so good.
But each the tags member of each of the photo objects returned by
Photo.findcontains only the tag “foo” even if the photo in question
also has the tags
“bar” and “baz”. Is there some way to get ActiveRecord to return “foo”,
“bar”, and “baz” in the tags list?
I understand why I’m seeing this behavior (the underlying query joins
photos, photos_tags, and tags, and throws out all rows which don’t
tag foo), I just don’t know how to get around it short of iterating
the list of photos returned by photo.find and re-queyring for each one
Thanks in advance!