Hey there
I seem to be having problems geting my app to send emails! Ive set it up
in the following way…
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
:address => “”,
:port => 25,
:domain => ‘domain.com’,
:user_name => “technical”,
:password => “email”,
:authentication => :login
However, i do not know if it has sucsessfully sent the mail or not. Ive
put it into test mode and the mails do get appended to the
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array, so i know its working up until that
point, which makes me think that there might be a problem with it
connecting to the mail server?
Ive also tried rendering the content of the email to the browser, and
the messege ID is comming from something like
“[email protected]” what does that mean?
Cheers for any help