Hi everyone,
hopping you guys will help me with that :
Here is the situation:
when i’m typing my website address www.artificial-logic.ca, in reality
it’s my stats-manager.dns2go.com:8080 that is getting the address and
redirect it to my program dns2go that is running on my linux server.
Once the redirection is done (cloaking), the webRick server is listening
to the port 8080 cause i launched it with the parameters: -p 8080 -b
192.168.1.XXX -e production
Here is the problem :
i just sign in in the Google website. Went to the WebmasterTools.
registered my website www.artificial-logic.ca
and asked google to verify my website to be inserted in their indexes !!
they asked me to put a file name : google823e950bd4941341.html
so i had to put it in my : ROOT_RAILS PATH /public right ???
when i’m typing :
http://www.artificial-logic.ca/google823e950bd4941341.html in my web
browser, it’S working correctly and showing nothing cause there is
nothing in the google823e950bd4941341.html file.
But Google don’t want to index my pages because of this (this is the
message that Google is giving me):
Verification status: NOT VERIFIED
We’ve detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a
status of 200 (Success) in the header.
Please HELP ME !!!
ty … a desperate guy
sorry for my english and gramatical errors !