404 error messages

Mohit S. wrote:

  • BlogTags
    I found this in page_attachments\app\models\page_attachment.rb:

has_attachment :storage => :file_system,
:thumbnails => defined?(PAGE_ATTACHMENT_SIZES) &&
PAGE_ATTACHMENT_SIZES || {:icon => ‘50x50>’},
:max_size => 10.megabytes

This tends to suggest that files up to 10MB should be fine? Any idea
what I should look for? (I’m on Windows, running Radiant 0.7.1 on
ruby 1.8.6)


5/24/2009 | 9:33 PM.

Great suggestion! I’ve added it as an issue on GitHub. I don’t have
time to implement it right now, but I’d welcome patches/forks.



N. Turnage wrote:


I suggest you drop page_attachments in favor of Paperclipped. It’s
easier to manage image sizes and mime-types (you can do both with the
settings extension) and page_attachments will prevent you from using
the change_author extension (I got bitten by this one) if you decide
to use it. It’s also much easier to use in day-to-day operations with
its bucket that will allow you to upload and attach images from the
same place.
Hi Nate,

Thanks for the advice. I’m tempted to use PageAttachments firstly
because I was using it earlier :slight_smile: and the site I’m trying to do is a
technical articles site, so it makes a lot of sense to attach images to
the pages on which the articles appear. Admittedly, I’ve not used
PaperClipped so I"m not sure if that’s how it works - but the talk of
buckets (that I’ve heard elsewhere also) tends to suggest common pools
rather than page-wise attachments. However, I have need for
Paperclipped also for certain types of site-wide needs, but I’m scared
to even start putting Paperclipped and PageAttachments together :stuck_out_tongue:

5/24/2009 | 10:26 PM.

Mohit S. wrote:

I found this in page_attachments\app\models\page_attachment.rb:
I suggest you drop page_attachments in favor of Paperclipped. It’s
easier to manage image sizes and mime-types (you can do both with the
settings extension) and page_attachments will prevent you from using the
change_author extension (I got bitten by this one) if you decide to use
it. It’s also much easier to use in day-to-day operations with its
bucket that will allow you to upload and attach images from the same


michael starke wrote:

to attach items to pages, so you can, as you woudl do with

So all in all (and that’s the reason i switched) paperclipped is more
flexible and offers a superset of functionality over page_attachments.

Hi Michael

That’s a very convincing case - I’m going to try PaperClipped. For one
of my sites, I’ll leave it at PageAttachments for the time being, but
for the one I’m working on, I’m going to try Paperclipped.

5/24/2009 | 10:45 PM.

On 24.05.2009, at 16:26, Mohit S. wrote:

files (tried up to 14KB) but larger files (more than 30KB) seem
idea what I should look for? (I’m on Windows, running Radiant
operations with its bucket that will allow you to upload and attach
need for Paperclipped also for certain types of site-wide needs, but
I’m scared to even start putting Paperclipped and PageAttachments
together :stuck_out_tongue:

5/24/2009 | 10:26 PM.

Hello Mohit,

paperclipped comes with a fine installation routine that even imports
your old attachments (and images) and moves them to it’s default
location. Look at the github page, there should be a rake task for
mirgration form page_attachments. At least that’s how i remember it -
i mirgrated only one image, but it shoudl still work with more than
one :wink:

And paperclipped does use a central media pool BUT you still are able
to attach items to pages, so you can, as you woudl do with
page_attachments before, access attachments on pages and get only the
ones attached to this page (but you also cold use som arbitratry ones
by direktly including them)
The radiant tags are a bit different, but cycling throuhg attachments
and testing for them (with mime type filters) is an easy task.

So the attachments thing is still in there. The bucket is for
attaching items to different pages. You add them to the bucket “to
carry them around”, and then you can attach items form the bucket to
pages you’re editing.

So all in all (and that’s the reason i switched) paperclipped is more
flexible and offers a superset of functionality over page_attachments.


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