Segmentation error and fftw make error

Hello, All:

I am using USRP for my project.
I got fragmentation fault when running the python code. Googleing online
found one soultion might be to build fftw without --enable-sse.

Therefore I download fftw-3.1.2:
./configure -prefix=$home --enable-single --enable-shared
The make fails [rank0.lo] (I made clean and make multiple times, each
time it fails at different files, but all in rdft/)

I am using Ubuntu build 2.6.15-23-386 and Athlon XP2200+. Is there
who can help with this?

Also I use gdb to debug the program as suggested in the mailing list
before. However each time the gdb attach the pid the my python program
stops running until the I quit the gdb.
Can anyone help with debugging this Segmentation Fault Problem?

Thanks a lot for your input,

On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 01:45:58PM -0500, Liu X. wrote:

time it fails at different files, but all in rdft/)
How does it fail?

The compiler could be running out of memory.
How much RAM and swap does your machine have?


Dear Eric:

Thank you for your response.
My memory size is 515936 kB and the swap size is 835340 kB.

The program is used to generate some noise to 802.11 communication.
I am generating different signals with a certain pulse width (e.g.
and fixed idle width (e.g. 1000us). The program runs for some time
(minutes or one hour) --> screen outputs: Segmentation fault -> program

Now I am rebuilding fftw_3.0.1 on Ubuntu, still get errors when doing
make :frowning:


Thank you.
I run the make for fftw multiple times. Each it stops at different
files, all because of “/bin/sh: line xxx Segmentation Fault”.


On 2/23/07, Liu X. [email protected] wrote:

Now I am rebuilding fftw_3.0.1 on Ubuntu, still get errors when doing the
make :frowning:

I’ve seen on my cygwin system where fftw would get a lot of “Resource
busy” lines just before make would error out. At times, I’ve even had
to run make up to 10 times in a row to get it to compile fully.

Have you tried just running make multiple times in a row?


On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 03:22:28PM -0500, Liu X. wrote:

Now I am rebuilding fftw_3.0.1 on Ubuntu, still get errors when doing the
make :frowning:


I’m confused. Is the compiler dying compiling fftw, or is your
program which uses fftw dying?


Sorry for the confusion.

My program got Segmentation error and stopped.

Now I am trying to rebuild fftw_3.0.1 (since from previous list in this
group, some one suggested to rebuild fftw without --enable-sse), it
pass through the make :frowning:

Thank you,

Liu X. wrote:

Sorry for the confusion.

My program got Segmentation error and stopped.

Now I am trying to rebuild fftw_3.0.1 (since from previous list in this
group, some one suggested to rebuild fftw without --enable-sse), it cannot
pass through the make :frowning:
Is your CPU fan spinning?


Thank you for the reply, Dan.
Yes, the fan works fine.
