Duplicate requests

Can someone point me toward an explanation of what’s happening here?
Apache 2.2, proxy_cluster, mongrel. Here’s the production.log output
from a single request:

Processing ThingsController#index (for at 2007-02-18
07:31:06) [GET]
Session ID: b1fc68b0aee9f141187d4a04bf54daa3
Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “controller”=>“things”}
Rendering within layouts/application
Rendering stories/index
Completed in 0.00506 (197 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00391 (77%) | DB:
0.00034 (6%) | 200 OK [http://storysquared.com/]

Processing ThingsController#index (for ::1 at 2007-02-18 07:31:11) [GET]
Session ID: 0c48b261a9ecd2b6f88b002210168834
Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “controller”=>“things”}
Rendering within layouts/application
Rendering stories/index
Completed in 0.00564 (177 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00461 (81%) | DB:
0.00032 (5%) | 200 OK []

Where is the second request coming from (bad Apache config?), and what
does the ::1 mean?


–Al Evans


::1 is an IPv6 address. Please check your network configuration.
Without looking any further I can tell that you should focus on which
IP address your daemons are listening to.
Hope this helps.


Oyku Gencay wrote:


::1 is an IPv6 address. Please check your network configuration.
Without looking any further I can tell that you should focus on which
IP address your daemons are listening to.
Hope this helps.


Thanks! They’re listening on, on a couple of groups of ports,
so that makes sense (I’m not used to IPv6).

As it happens, I fixed the problem shortly after posting here. For some
reason, I had forgotten to remove an outdated set of ProxyPass,
ProxyPassReverse, and ProxyPreserveHost directives for a different
vhost. I have no idea why they would have caused this problem, but
taking them out fixed it.

–Al Evans–