Simple radio_button

Hello, I’m having a problem with radio_button, I don’t know what I’m
doing wrong so please help me checking.
I need the “user” to select the kind of report to load, The options are
given with radio_buttons like this:

MES ACTUAL <%= radio_button 'tipo','mes', {:checked => 'true'} %> ANUAL <%= radio_button 'tipo','anual', {:checked => 'true'} %> ACUMULADO TOTAL <%= radio_button 'tipo','acumulado',{:checked => 1}%>

but they get loaded unchecked, if you check them, then you cant uncheck
them, and that is not what I want.
I just need the to work like simple radio_button that you can check or
unchek, and having to choose only one.

What is wrong?

What is wrong?
I’m not sure that it’s radio buttons you need for this. Try
‘check_box’ instead.


Never mind , I make it work,I change it to this:

MES ACTUAL <%= radio_button ('reporte','tipo', 'mes' ) %> ANUAL <%= radio_button ('reporte','tipo', 'anual') %> ACUMULADO TOTAL <%= radio_button ('reporte','tipo','acumulado',:checked=>true)%>

It seems that it needs to have the 2 first arguments name the same way
to work as I needed.

Thanks anyway