Display pictures in database

I can upload pictures to a database, then display all pictures via the
filename, the files are currently stored on the filesystem…

for picture in @pictures

<%=image_tag(picture.name, :size=>"50x50", :id=>"side_image_" + indx.to_s, :style=>"border:0;", :alt=>"Images")-%> <%indx = indx + 1-%>

<% end %>

I changed the code to upload images into a BLOB field in the database
cause I don’t want to use the filesystem to serve up images any longer.
How can I change this rhtml code so that it goes to the BLOB field in
the database and display the pictures?

This is the code that builds the picture array,

def find_8_pics
total_pics = Picture.count
@page_num = @params[:page_num].to_i
if(@page_num < 0 or @page_num * 8 >= total_pics)
@page_num = 0
offset = @page_num * 8

if(offset + 9 <= total_pics)
  @next_page = @page_num + 1

if(@page_num != 0)
  @prev_page = @page_num - 1;

@pictures = Picture.find :all, :limit=>8, :offset=>offset
@blank_images = 8 - @pictures.length



Alex W. wrote:

Peter wrote:

I changed the code to upload images into a BLOB field in the database
cause I don’t want to use the filesystem to serve up images any longer.
How can I change this rhtml code so that it goes to the BLOB field in
the database and display the pictures?

You need to create an action that sends along the image data.

def image
@picture = Picture.find(params[:id)
send_data @picture.data, :content_type => ‘image/jpeg’

Then just call the url for that action as the image url

<%= image_tag url_for(:action => ‘image’, :id => 123) %>

Also check out FlexImage:

It may make things easier for you.

I got that part thanks. Now my problem is that I have a thumbnail that,
when hovered over, populates a larger area in the center. The problem
now is that the hover javascript references the .src counter value for
the picture being hovered over to correctly identify the
id(side_image_0)…with the files on disk, this works…

<span onmouseover=“set_selected_pic(0);”

…from the database src becomes /studio/picture/15, which doesn’t work
with the hover…I tried setting alt="/studio/picture/Larry.jpg but
can’t get that working…

<span onmouseover=“set_selected_pic(0);”

this is the hover javascript,

function set_selected_pic(i)
$(‘side_image_’ + cur_selection).style.border = ‘0px’;
$(‘side_image_’ + i).style.border = ‘2px solid black’;
$(‘rollimg’).src = $(‘side_image_’ + i).src;
cur_selection = i;

How can I populate the center pane with the image being hovered over
when src = “/studio/picture/15”

Peter wrote:

I changed the code to upload images into a BLOB field in the database
cause I don’t want to use the filesystem to serve up images any longer.
How can I change this rhtml code so that it goes to the BLOB field in
the database and display the pictures?

You need to create an action that sends along the image data.

def image
@picture = Picture.find(params[:id)
send_data @picture.data, :content_type => ‘image/jpeg’

Then just call the url for that action as the image url

<%= image_tag url_for(:action => ‘image’, :id => 123) %>

Also check out FlexImage:

It may make things easier for you.