Getting ahead of myself, GUIs

I know I may be getting ahead of myself since I don’t even have rails
down yet, but I was looking for a nice web based GUI to pair with my
rails projects in the future, ajax sure does look nice, but by god is it
chunky and slow…are there any extremely light/fast alternatives to
giving my projects some eye candy interfaces?

Could always look into Adobe Flex
there is a number of ways to integrate with Rails, remoting (i.e.
and/or web services.


On 12/29/06, Alexander Y. [email protected] wrote:

On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 18:26 +0100, Alexander Y. wrote:

I know I may be getting ahead of myself since I don’t even have rails
down yet, but I was looking for a nice web based GUI to pair with my
rails projects in the future, ajax sure does look nice, but by god is it
chunky and slow…are there any extremely light/fast alternatives to
giving my projects some eye candy interfaces?

it’s only as fast as your web services - if you are still in development
mode and webrick, that isn’t going to be very fast.


Man, I hate Flash. But it is one of the only ways to create a rich GUI
interface with live data. But I guess to do that you need Flash Media
I’m just starting to look at Flex(Why didn’t I before??!) and WebORB.
And if I was developing an app on my own, I’d definitely look at the
Red5 open source flash media server project.

The Flex compiler is free, but their WYSIWYG interface is I think like
$800, which is out of my price range for software. Also Actionscript
sucks a$$. But if you need the kind of interactivity and immediate user
interaction that Flash can give you, then you have to use it for now.

But if you need the kind of interactivity and immediate user
interaction that Flash can give you, then you have to use it for now.

Would OpenLaszlo be any help?

The Rails plugin for openlaszlo is defunct. Project is no longer being
continued and I don’t believe it’s current state was anywhere need


On 1/2/07, paron [email protected] wrote:

But if you need the kind of interactivity and immediate user
interaction that Flash can give you, then you have to use it for now.

Would OpenLaszlo be any help?

On 12/29/06, Jason N. [email protected] wrote:

Man, I hate Flash. But it is one of the only ways to create a rich GUI
interface with live data. But I guess to do that you need Flash Media

To use Flex you need nothing outside of the end users to have Flash
Player 9

I’m just starting to look at Flex(Why didn’t I before??!) and WebORB.

And if I was developing an app on my own, I’d definitely look at the
Red5 open source flash media server project.

The Flex compiler is free, but their WYSIWYG interface is I think like

It’s Eclipse for Flex, but less then 800, I think 400 or 500.

which is out of my price range for software. Also Actionscript

sucks a$$.

Why does AS suck ? Can’t compare it to Ruby as far as design (not sure
that’s the right word) but AS3 now is
officially a OOP language. The class api is pretty large also.
Although I’m relatively new to even Ruby , AS is making a nice
compliment to
learning OOP in general.


But if you need the kind of interactivity and immediate user