Where is a webpage just before Rails sends it to a browser?


ActionView assembles the requested webpage from templates, layouts,
partials, etc. Once the whole page is assembed where can I grab it and
something to it just before it is sent off to the browser? I suppose I
an "after view " filter or something similar to controller/action
filters or
model callbacks.

And if I cannot grab it where is the completely assembed web page
located in
the Rails core?


ActionView assembles the requested webpage from templates, layouts,
helpers, partials, etc. Once the whole page is assembed where can I grab it
and do something to it just before it is sent off to the browser? I suppose
I want an "after view " filter or something similar to controller/action
filters or model callbacks.

response.body after render has been called (such as in an after_filter).

David Heinemeier H.
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http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework