Default page and session[]

Hi Everybody!

As a newcomer to this list and to Rails per se I would like to to
post my silly newbie questions â?? be patient:

  1. I’m not able to get rid of the welcome-aboard-screen. It says:
  1. Set up a default route and remove or rename this file

Routes are setup in config/routes.rb.
I’ve done the routing part â?? at least I think I have! Now, as for the
removing or renaming of that file: where on earth is it?!?!

  1. I want to use session[:language] to save the current working
    language between requests. But whenever I mention the yet unassigned
    symbol of session Rails throughs an exception:

NoMethodError in ExpressionsController#list

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occured while evaluating nil.[]
The method causing the error is
def get_language
session[:language] ||= Language.find(1)

Your help is greatly appreciated!

  • Sebastian
  1. I’m not able to get rid of the welcome-aboard-screen. It says:
  2. Set up a default route and remove or rename this file

Routes are setup in config/routes.rb.
I’ve done the routing part â?? at least I think I have! Now, as for the
removing or renaming of that file: where on earth is it?!?!

Don’t feel bad! I just spent three days last week working on this!!

The file they are referring to is /public/indx.html

I simply renamed mine, then set up a default rout (map.connect ‘’,
:controller => ‘www’) and it worked like a charm!

Not too sure about #2 at the moment… hope someone else can contribute


Sebastian Winkler wrote:

You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occured while evaluating nil.[]
The method causing the error is
def get_language
session[:language] ||= Language.find(1)

truth be told, i’m not really out of the class of Newbies, but my guess
would be one of two…either you haven’t defined the session(or is it
@session) in the right place(are you putting this in the
appcontroller/…?) or the specified language (1) isn’t found in the
model…if you aren’t going to use many languages, couldn’t you go like

@session[:language] ||= ‘english’
@session[:language] ||= ‘spanish’

good luck either way,


For #2:

Session access can only be done in a controller. It should work as a
method call, but just to be safe, go ahead and treat it as an i-var, and
put an @, as so:

By the way, just so you know, the Ruby Way is to have varname() and
varname=(), not get_varname(), set_varname()

def language
@session[:language] ||= Language.find(1)


The file they are referring to is /public/indx.html
Thanks, Luke!!

Murule, the declaration is in a subclass of ApplicationController
where session[] should be accessible.

Murule and Jason, I really think it should be session[], not @session
[]; it’s not an instance variable I’m trying to access?

Strangely, I seem to have been able to temporarily overcome this
error ? not knowing how, though. But now I have done some
reorganizing within the controller and I’m faced with the same
situation again.
As always it’s probably something totally simple but easy to overlook
for the beginner.

  • Sebastian

P.S. Jason, you’re right the way the method is formulated should have
been called just
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Well, this seems to be the solution:
I was calling the method from the controller’s initialize method, at
which point session apparently isn’t accessible yet.
I moved the call to the before_filter and now it works.

Thanks for your efforts, guys!

  • Sebastian