Weblog.rubyonrails.com - needs upgrade?

Last 2 articles have 500+ comments.

Also, whenever I comment, it never appears immediately.

It terribly needs an upgrade.


Pratik Naik wrote:

Last 2 articles have 500+ comments.

Also, whenever I comment, it never appears immediately.

It terribly needs an upgrade.


They need to upgrade it so retards like “Jon” get emailed a copy of each
of their comments.


World is full of “Jon” and they’re not worth the bandwidth.

That’s why we have catchpa :slight_smile:

Pratik Naik wrote:

World is full of “Jon” and they’re not worth the bandwidth.

That’s why we have catchpa :slight_smile:

I HATE captcha!


Probably, you’d like this smart catchpa :wink:

It expects that your users went to kindergarten though…
