Custom Pagination Links


I’m using the code below to display some pagination links. It works
great apart from when there’s no paging i.e. the full collection is
displayed, when it still display a “1” to represent the current page.
How can I suppress that?


<%= link_to('< Prev', {:params => params.merge('page' => @my_pages.current.previous)}, {:class => "prevlink"}) if @my_pages.current.previous %>

<% for page in @my_pages -%>
<%= link_to_unless(params[:page].to_i == page.number, page.number,
{:params => params.merge(‘page’ => page)},
{:class => “pagelink”}) {|link_name|
“<span class=“currentpage”>#{link_name}”} %>
<% end %>

<%= link_to(‘Next >’, {:params => params.merge(‘page’ =>}, {:class => “nextlink”}) if %>

On Jun 2, 2006, at 10:48, John T. wrote:


I’m using the code below to display some pagination links. It works
great apart from when there’s no paging i.e. the full collection is
displayed, when it still display a “1” to represent the current page.
How can I suppress that?

<% if @my_pages.size > 1 %>

<% end %>

I normally factor that out to a helper.

– fxn

Xavier N. wrote:

<% if @my_pages.size > 1 %>

<% end %>

I normally factor that out to a helper.

– fxn

Great, thanks a lot!

Just as a follow-up, @my_pages.size doesn’t appear to work, but
@my_pages.page_count does.
