Proposing: A new Ruby Windows installer

I understand projects like the Ruby Installer for Windows exists, but
what I’m wondering is:

Why not have AllInOneRuby with gems embedded into it call a gem that has
the Ruby bits and a local copy of Ruby and then follow up with Gems.
From there your home free, correct? You could even just to get going
have the AllInOneRuby installer simply do a wget and pull down the Ruby
bits and put them into a folder and set the path. Eventually it would
seem though pulling down the actual Ruby bits in a gem is the “Ruby” way
to do this.

The Ruby Windows Installer seems to lag behind the general releases. It
would seem the senario I just described would be more up to date. The
Python guys have their installers down to s science now, it seems like
Ruby is lagging a bit here (the Windows side of it anyway).

Just shooting ideas around so don’t shoot the messenger.

  • The Enterprise A.

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

I understand projects like the Ruby Installer for Windows exists, but
what I’m wondering is:

Why not have AllInOneRuby with gems embedded into it call a gem that has
the Ruby bits and a local copy of Ruby and then follow up with Gems.
From there your home free, correct? You could even just to get going
have the AllInOneRuby installer simply do a wget and pull down the Ruby
bits and put them into a folder and set the path. Eventually it would
seem though pulling down the actual Ruby bits in a gem is the “Ruby” way
to do this.

Because it’d be a waste. Better would be to have people actually
volunteer to help Curt keep the release up to date.


The latest installer will probably be the last time there will be this
much lag. Curt decided to redesign the installer so that subsequent
releases will be much faster. That is why things took so long. Plus he
has been extremely busy.

I recently have been helping him and am now very familiar with the
installer as well as NSIS which the installer is written with. When
the next version of Ruby is released I’ll be sure to help Curt if he
needs it to get the installer out quickly.


Austin Z. wrote:

Because it’d be a waste. Better would be to have people actually
volunteer to help Curt keep the release up to date.

Why would it be a waste? A lot of time seems to be spent getting
FreeRide, SciTe, etc. all bundled up. That would be gone. I’m talking
about just putting Ruby on a Win32 box quick and easily via gems. No
need for an installer at all. Run the EXE and it always grabs the
latest gem. Seems like a lot less maintenance and heartache than the
way its being done currently.

Austin Z. wrote:

seem though pulling down the actual Ruby bits in a gem is the “Ruby” way
to do this.

Because it’d be a waste. Better would be to have people actually
volunteer to help Curt keep the release up to date.

Or maybe not, but in any event such a proposal needs to be matched with
at least some proof-of-concept code. It’s one thing to say, “Wouldn’t
it be nice if … ?”, quite another to put your money (so to speak)
where your mouth is.

At the end of the day all these ideas mean people volunteering time and

(Thanks, Curt!)

James B.

“Simplicity of the language is not what matters, but
simplicity of use.”

  • Richard A. O’Keefe in squeak-dev mailing list

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

Why would it be a waste? A lot of time seems to be spent getting
FreeRide, SciTe, etc. all bundled up. That would be gone. I’m talking
about just putting Ruby on a Win32 box quick and easily via gems. No
need for an installer at all. Run the EXE and it always grabs the
latest gem. Seems like a lot less maintenance and heartache than the
way its being done currently.

I’m telling you from personal experience that it isn’t all that hard
to bundle this stuff up, now that Curt has put the work into it that
he has. I came from knowing nothing about the installer (besides
having installed it myself) to be fixing bugs on it within a day. Of
course I have more experience with installers and Ruby than other
people, but I still think any competent developer could get up to
speed pretty quick.

But as James says, the best way to show us what you are talking about
is to put your money where your mouth is and implement it. Everything
you need for it is available online.


Curt H. wrote:

installer team. I have been asking for help repeatedly over the years
without much response. So far, only Ryan L. and Shashank D.

Well, maybe this is the real problem with the Ruby community then?
Asking for assistance over a number of years to get help on an installer
package that I’m sure thousands of people, companies, etc. use daily and
coming back with mostly deaf echos is not ideal. This installer is a
fundamental piece of Ruby being accepted by a larger audience (sorry but
Windows is still the dominant platform out there). I know a lot of
developers/companies that unless they get a timely pretty installer
package they won’t bother using it or allow it on a server. (I hear the
argument already “well we don’t want those types of developers
anyway”… Don’t we? Do we want critical mass or be a niche language?)

The point of my post was to eliminate the manual work that has to go
into a Ruby installer. Make it a lot more automated, flick a switch and
walk away. Even under ideal situations the Ruby Windows Installer is at
least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84 release is
going on 6 months. This is the reality right now. The release of a
Ruby installer should not be based on someone’s agenda, it should be an
automated process. I appreciate what the team does and the endless work
they put into it but at some point the Ruby community will need to
mature in this regard.

From a company’s perspective I have a lot better chance of having this
installed on a server based simply off of the organized, tidy webpage:

All the releases synced up, all the builds ready for download from one
location. Nice and easy. When I look at the Ruby download site I see a
mis-mash of info and links leading off to other sites- it looks
unprofessional at best. Again, I’m looking at this from a company’s
eyes. First impressions mean a lot.

-The Enterprise A.

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

coming back with mostly deaf echos is not ideal. This installer is a
least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84 release is
location. Nice and easy. When I look at the Ruby download site I see a
mis-mash of info and links leading off to other sites- it looks
unprofessional at best. Again, I’m looking at this from a company’s
eyes. First impressions mean a lot.

Actually the ruby core team releases a minimal install of Ruby almost
sync with the normal releases. The problem is that it doesn’t include
of the extensions, and win32 specfic things that people EXPECT from the
installer. The problem is NOT with building ruby itself, but all of the
expected extensions. These take time to be brought up to the new
compiled, and tested, there isn’t much you can do to automate this
any more than it currently is. But if you have good ideas, you should
definitely be posing these questions to the one-click-installer mailing
list, and developers.

Also you seem to be a bit confused. The O.-Click-Installer is a
provided package, NOT something provided by the core ruby team. The
ruby team DOES provide a minimal install (or at least used to). This is
different than the python package you mentioned above.

And most importantly of all, and it’s been stated many times this week
alone, ideas are interesting, discussion is helpful, but code is what
things done. If you see a need, and think you can fill it, then by all
means provide the code. But suggesting, or telling others to solve
only serves to annoy those that are currently working on those problems.

-The Enterprise A.

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

to do this.

The Ruby Windows Installer seems to lag behind the general releases. It
would seem the senario I just described would be more up to date. The
Python guys have their installers down to s science now, it seems like
Ruby is lagging a bit here (the Windows side of it anyway).

Ryan L. already beat me to answering this, but I thought I
hurt to repeat it.

The lag this time around is an anomaly. The 1.8.2 release of the
installer, for example, was out within a week of the ruby release. But
were a number of problems with the way it was built that was making it
harder to be timely.

So, as Ryan pointed out, I completely rewrote the build system with the
of reducing the turnaround time. Withe the new build system it should be
possible to reduce that lag time to a few days.

Also as Austin pointed out, it would be much better to join the
installer team. I have been asking for help repeatedly over the years
without much response. So far, only Ryan L. and Shashank D.
helped. There’s a lot that could be done, but without more help, the I
to keep the scope limited.

I like the idea of providing the one-click Ruby distro as a zip file (in
addition to a traditional installer). In fact, this is the way that
Rails uses the one-click ruby installer.


Pulling down Ruby in a gem would be a problem – a chicken and egg
problem – as RubyGems needs Ruby to execute, and needs an existing Ruby
installation in which to place the gems that it installs.

Douglas L. wrote:

There was a nice redesign with some momenutum about it a while back,
but it seems to have gotten lost somewhere :frowning:

Those looks really good. Professional.

  • The Enterprise A.

2006/5/23, Enterprise A. [email protected]:

When I look at the Ruby download site I see a
mis-mash of info and links leading off to other sites- it looks
unprofessional at best.

There was a nice redesign with some momenutum about it a while back,
but it seems to have gotten lost somewhere :frowning:

If there’s any help needed bashing out HTML for the design[1] I’m more
than happy to help out, though I’m worried it’s gotten tangled up over
some non-technical issues…



Enterprise A. wrote:

Well, maybe this is the real problem with the Ruby community then?

You are the community.

Among others, of course.

Asking for assistance over a number of years to get help on an installer
package that I’m sure thousands of people, companies, etc. use daily and
coming back with mostly deaf echos is not ideal. This installer is a
fundamental piece of Ruby being accepted by a larger audience (sorry but
Windows is still the dominant platform out there). I know a lot of
developers/companies that unless they get a timely pretty installer
package they won’t bother using it or allow it on a server. (I hear the
argument already “well we don’t want those types of developers
anyway”… Don’t we? Do we want critical mass or be a niche language?)

I want Ruby. What other people do or don’t think of Ruby is not a big
issue for me. (Well, there are some exceptions on this list.)

The point of my post was to eliminate the manual work that has to go
into a Ruby installer. Make it a lot more automated, flick a switch and
walk away. Even under ideal situations the Ruby Windows Installer is at
least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84 release is
going on 6 months. This is the reality right now. The release of a
Ruby installer should not be based on someone’s agenda, it should be an
automated process. I appreciate what the team does and the endless work
they put into it but at some point the Ruby community will need to
mature in this regard.

Does this mean you are offering to help Curt? Because posts don’t
eliminate manual work. (Nor, for that matter, does pulling the maturity

From a company’s perspective I have a lot better chance of having this
installed on a server based simply off of the organized, tidy webpage:
Python Release Python 2.4.3 |

Interesting. A company picking technology based on Web page design and
layout. And these are the people whose opinions should influence Ruby

The list has seen a repeated threads of the form, “If the Ruby doesn’t
offer [this|that|other_thing], then it won’t be accepted by

It’s unpersuasive.

Code, on the other hand …


James B.

“Blanket statements are over-rated”

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

Well, maybe this is the real problem with the Ruby community then?

What, that we’re overworked and haven’t yet gotten someone to bankroll
our efforts?

The point of my post was to eliminate the manual work that has to go
into a Ruby installer. Make it a lot more automated, flick a switch
and walk away. Even under ideal situations the Ruby Windows Installer
is at least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84
release is going on 6 months. This is the reality right now. The
release of a Ruby installer should not be based on someone’s agenda,
it should be an automated process. I appreciate what the team does
and the endless work they put into it but at some point the Ruby
community will need to mature in this regard.

So? It’s shifting the installer base. That doesn’t happen overnight,
especially when both people on the team are overworked. I’ve also been
exploring an alternative that will make it much easier to build from
scratch and automate everything about the installer.

I’ve had exactly zero hours to work on it since January, because of my
day job.

That’s why I’m saying “DO SOMETHING” instead of proposing something that
is probably not going to help at all.


On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

Curt H. wrote:

installer team. I have been asking for help repeatedly over the years
without much response. So far, only Ryan L. and Shashank D.

Well, maybe this is the real problem with the Ruby community then?
Asking for assistance over a number of years to get help on an installer
package that I’m sure thousands of people, companies, etc. use daily and
coming back with mostly deaf echos is not ideal.

I think the problem is far more one of the ‘Windows users community’.

Not many windows users know how to compile files, or have experience
with building an installer. Add to that, having the time, ability,
willingness to help, etc, and the group keeps getting smaller.

I do agree that it would be nice if more people helped, and I’m sure
as more windows users start using Ruby, more people (with the required
skills) will help.

Personally, I’ll look into NSIS, and see how much I can learn about
it, but even if I can pick it up, it’s more of a time crunch issue for
me these days. Then there’s the fact that I don’t need the most
recent release, and since I’m not paying Curt, Ryan, or Shashank to
produce one, I’m fine with waiting for it.

This installer is a
fundamental piece of Ruby being accepted by a larger audience (sorry but
Windows is still the dominant platform out there). I know a lot of
developers/companies that unless they get a timely pretty installer
package they won’t bother using it or allow it on a server. (I hear the
argument already “well we don’t want those types of developers
anyway”… Don’t we? Do we want critical mass or be a niche language?)

Indeed, it is accepted by a large audience. Probably because it works
well, and is updated frequently enough for most of us.

This is at least the third time in about a week that somebody has
presumed that ‘we want critical mass’ (or ‘enterprise’, or whatever).
Well, I can’t speak for ‘we’, but I don’t particularly care how many
people use Ruby, I just care that it exists, and I get to use it.

Ruby was much more of a niche language when I first started using it
(pre Rails), and even then, it was getting enough care and attention
for me. Since then, it’s usage has grown just fine on it’s own.

The point of my post was to eliminate the manual work that has to go
into a Ruby installer. Make it a lot more automated, flick a switch and
walk away.

Excellent idea. Build it, and set it up on a server for us. If you
can’t host it, I’m sure others will volunteer.

Even under ideal situations the Ruby Windows Installer is at
least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84 release is
going on 6 months. This is the reality right now.

On 5/23/06, Curt H. [email protected] wrote:
“The lag this time around is an anomaly.”
“With the new build system it should be possible to reduce that lag
time to a few days.”

location. Nice and easy. When I look at the Ruby download site I see a
mis-mash of info and links leading off to other sites- it looks
unprofessional at best. Again, I’m looking at this from a company’s
eyes. First impressions mean a lot.

Ok, so the logical choices are…

Make a better build system, or at least spec one out, and see if you
can get others to build it for you.

Hire others to make a better build system.

Offer to sponsor it (ala Google’s Summer of Code).

Deal with the current build system, and use Ruby until others get the
chance to improve it.

Walk away, and use Python until the build system is improved.

I think that’s about it. Telling the people (who are doing all of
this for free) that they are ‘doing it wrong’ really doesn’t do much
to solve the problem.

On 5/23/06, Enterprise A. [email protected] wrote:

fundamental piece of Ruby being accepted by a larger audience (sorry but
Windows is still the dominant platform out there). I know a lot of
developers/companies that unless they get a timely pretty installer
package they won’t bother using it or allow it on a server. (I hear the
argument already “well we don’t want those types of developers
anyway”… Don’t we? Do we want critical mass or be a niche language?)

I didn’t know help was needed here, if there’s something I can do, I
volunteer. Professionally, I am a WIndows and embedded software
developer. Perhaps there’s something I can do.

The point of my post was to eliminate the manual work that has to go
into a Ruby installer. Make it a lot more automated, flick a switch and
walk away. Even under ideal situations the Ruby Windows Installer is at
least a few days/weeks turn around time. Right now the 1.84 release is
going on 6 months. This is the reality right now. The release of a
Ruby installer should not be based on someone’s agenda, it should be an
automated process. I appreciate what the team does and the endless work
they put into it but at some point the Ruby community will need to
mature in this regard.

You are part of the community right? Are you going to help? Few of us
get paid for Ruby projects so we have to do these things in our spare
time. Who will sacrifice to help more people get the Ruby joy?

From a company’s perspective I have a lot better chance of having this
installed on a server based simply off of the organized, tidy webpage:
Python Release Python 2.4.3 |
All the releases synced up, all the builds ready for download from one
location. Nice and easy. When I look at the Ruby download site I see a
mis-mash of info and links leading off to other sites- it looks
unprofessional at best. Again, I’m looking at this from a company’s
eyes. First impressions mean a lot.

In all the eyes of the people who love Ruby, it’s the greatest
langauge ever. Like most open source projects it seems that the makers
and maintainers of Ruby etc. have no agenda other than to make
something great for themselves to use. A lot of people assume
everybody wants Ruby to be “prime time” or to appeal to some company
or some greater body of developers so it doesn’t die out or fade away

  • but I don’t think that’s true. If you want your company to like
    Ruby, put in the effort to make it appeal to your company. Perhaps you
    can help with the mish-mash. Remeber that your goal of making Ruby
    “professional” isn’t necessarily the goal of the community.

The important thing is that you can only complain about lack of
community support if you yourself are in there helping!

On May 23, 2006, at 4:46 PM, Douglas L. wrote:

There was a nice redesign with some momenutum about it a while back,
but it seems to have gotten lost somewhere :frowning:

Not at all. We’ve made tons of progress on it just recently. Behold:

That’s the custom-built CMS running on the server and
serving up content we made or imported. Yes, there are holes, but we
are working to fill them in.

James Edward G. II

P.S. I need volunteers who can generate needed content for the new
site. If you are interested, email me off-list.

On May 23, 2006, at 3:51 PM, James Edward G. II wrote:

serving up content we made or imported. Yes, there are holes, but
we are working to fill them in.

James Edward G. II

P.S. I need volunteers who can generate needed content for the new
site. If you are interested, email me off-list.

Awesome! I’m so glad to see that coming together.


There is a slight problem here though. I don’t have time to go into the
detais (I’ve got to get out of the house in 15 minutes), but right now
build the one-click ruby installer/distro you need VC++ 6.0. The free
version is VC++ 8 and is not compatible.


Curt H. wrote:

There is a slight problem here though. I don’t have time to go into the
detais (I’ve got to get out of the house in 15 minutes), but right now
build the one-click ruby installer/distro you need VC++ 6.0. The free
version is VC++ 8 and is not compatible.


What compiler do you need to build binary extensions that are compatible
with the one-click installer?

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 09:39:43PM +0900, Tim H. wrote:

What compiler do you need to build binary extensions that are compatible
with the one-click installer?