How to reverse String.unpack('H*')

Hello rubyists,

I have binary numbers that through an ODBC interface are decoded with

Let’s give an example: the number 23.

b[0]=23; b[1] = b[2] = b[3] = 0

b.unpack(‘I’) => [23]
b.unpack(‘H*’) => [“17000000”]

The problem: how do I convert “17000000” to 23 ?

The following works, but seems awfully complex:
fl = “17000000”
fl.unpack(‘a2a2a2a2’).collect {|x|

Any suggestions ?

Han H.

On 5/21/06, Han H. [email protected] wrote:

The following works, but seems awfully complex:
fl = “17000000”
fl.unpack(‘a2a2a2a2’).collect {|x| “0x#{x}”.hex}.pack(‘I’).unpack(‘I’)[0]

Any suggestions ?

irb(main):001:0> [“17000000”].pack(‘H*’).unpack(‘I*’)[0]
=> 23


On 5/21/06, Ryan L. [email protected] wrote:

irb(main):001:0> [“17000000”].pack(‘H*’).unpack(‘I*’)[0]
=> 23

Ah yes, much better allready.


Han H.