How to add hint to link_to_remote?

To add a hint to normal link is very easy:
link_to ‘design’, {:action => ‘design’, :id => survey}, :title =>
‘Design the survey’

but, after trying several times, I still can’t figure out how to do the
same to link_to_remote. I’ve tried put :html => {:title => ‘blah’}. It
doesn’t work.

Anyone has a solution? Thanks.

try using the format soecified in the API:
link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = {})

so all your none-html options need to sit in a hash, and then all your
html options need to sit in another hash immediately afterwards. from
your previous example, something like this:

link_to ‘design’, {:action => ‘design’, :id => survey}, {:title =>
‘Design the survey’}

HTH (and works…)


dorian mcfarland wrote:

try using the format soecified in the API:
link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = {})

so all your none-html options need to sit in a hash, and then all your
html options need to sit in another hash immediately afterwards. from
your previous example, something like this:

link_to ‘design’, {:action => ‘design’, :id => survey}, {:title =>
‘Design the survey’}

HTH (and works…)


Oh I see. Thank you very much.

Actually I tried this but I left a :url => before the 2nd option group
cause I’ve seen that kind of code style many times and use it by myself
many times as well. I didn’t think of that it was this :url that broke
the whole syntax. Now I understand the options group a bit better.