Deploying radiant 0.9.1 with capistrano

I’ve done some searching on a guide for how to use capistrano + git +
bundler to deploy radiant 0.9.1 but haven’t had much success in
finding something comprehensive. Is deploying radiant the same as
deploying a Rails app?

I do my development on a MacBook and have a staging and production
server that I want to deploy to. Can anyone share some guidance around
how to set up a deployment workflow?

Should I use bundler or go without it?
Should I use the capistrano extension? @

Thanks as always for the help.


The capistrano extension provides a nice set of cap recipes to use when
deploying radiant. Here’s what my personal capfile (actually deploy.rb)
looks like:

set :application, “demo”
set :deploy_to, “/var/www/#{application}”
set :user, “USERNAME”
set :scm_user, “SCM_USERNAME”
server “SERVER_ADDRESS”, :app, :web, :db, :primary => true
set :scm_password, { Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("SVN
password for #{scm_user}, please: ") }
set :repository, { “–username #{scm_user} --password
#{scm_password} --no-auth-cache svn+ssh://#{scm_user}@SVN_REPO_ADDRESS

ssh_options[:user] = “USERNAME”

will change based on your ssh key file

ssh_options[:keys] = [“#{ENV[‘HOME’]}/.ssh/cap-ec2”] #cap-ec2-key.pem
default_run_options[:pty] = true

namespace :deploy do
task :start, :roles => :app do
run “touch #{current_release}/tmp/restart.txt”

task :stop, :roles => :app do



desc “Restart Application”
task :restart, :roles => :app do
run “touch #{current_release}/tmp/restart.txt”

Bradley H. | iGoDigital® Personalized Product Recommendation
Software | Cell 317.331.9718 l Office 888.496.2446x716

On Dec 14, 2010, at 2:10 PM, craayzie wrote:

I’ve done some searching on a guide for how to use capistrano + git +
bundler to deploy radiant 0.9.1 but haven’t had much success in
finding something comprehensive. Is deploying radiant the same as
deploying a Rails app?

Our cap recipes don’t differ that much from a standard Rails app. Most
of the additions are rake tasks, and we do overwrite deploy:migrate, so
that existing Rails-based cap tasks and hooks will still fire in the
right sequence.

If you’re deploying to different environments or servers, I’d recommend
using the capistrano-ext gem. It lets you do this:

$ cap staging deploy
$ cap production deploy

You can tailor your recipes and cap variables based on the environment.
Here’s the relevant parts of our Radiant recipe:

Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do
namespace :radiant do
desc “Updates extension assets”
task :update_assets do
run “cd #{current_path} && rake
radiant:extensions:update_all RAILS_ENV=#{stage}”
after ‘deploy:symlink’, ‘radiant:update_assets’

    desc "Migrates Radiant extensions"
    task :migrate_extensions do
        run "cd #{release_path} && rake db:migrate:extensions 

after ‘deploy:migrate’, ‘radiant:migrate_extensions’

namespace :deploy do
    task :migrate, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
        rake = fetch(:rake, "rake")
        rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production")
        migrate_env = fetch(:migrate_env, "")
        run "cd #{release_path}; #{rake} RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} 

#{migrate_env} db:migrate"

You guys are awesome will give this a shot. Where does bundler fit into
all of this?

hm … if you’re not using bundler then maybe i shouldnt either? maybe
overkill for a noob like me who’s just starting out w/ ruby / radiant.
do you handle the case where you want to play around w/ a gem in your
environment but not deploy it to production?

I’m not entirely sure, but I would imagine you would just create a task
for installing the bundle in your cap file. LIke deploy:bundle:install
or something along those lines.

Bradley H. | iGoDigital® Personalized Product Recommendation
Software | Cell 317.331.9718 l Office 888.496.2446x716

I have investigated a solution with bundler capistrano radiant and rvm
for the company I am currently working with several weeks ago.

The deploy.rb file starts with this line: #require “bundler/

It has a simple task to install the bundle on the remote server, which
looks like this:

task :bundle do
run “cd #{release_path} && bundle install --without test”

And gets called before the symlink with this line: before
“deploy:symlink”, :bundle

I have to start another radiant project which uses the same
infrastructure next week, so I might come across some errors which
luckily have not occurred so far. :slight_smile:

I hope this helps

Thanks for all the helpful posts. So I’ve got capistrano deploying my
github-hosted application to my staging server. Works great! I’m not
bundler yet as I’m not sure of the benefits there. One of the problems
running into is deploying migrations (capistrano complains that it’s not
able to find /config/database.yml in the current release directory).

I’ve found a couple of blog posts describing solutions to the issue e.g.

I’m curious why none of your deploy.rb scripts contained any reference
the database config file. How are you guys deploying migrations?

On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:58 AM, Fima L. wrote:

I’m curious why none of your deploy.rb scripts contained any reference to the
database config file. How are you guys deploying migrations?

That’s a general concern for all Rails apps, not specific to Radiant.
AFAIK common practice is still to keep database.yml out of source
control and maintain a separate copy on each staging or production
server. We symlink ours from the shared path to the current checkout on
each deploy:

namespace :deploy do
    desc "Symlink necessary files into current dir"
    task :symlink_configs do
        run "ln -sf #{shared_path}/database.yml 

# copy any other sensitive configs or initializers you might
need – S3 keys, etc.
after ‘deploy:update_code’, ‘deploy:symlink_configs’

How you get database.yml into your shared path is another matter. The
blog you linked to has a recipe for that as well.

This is very useful information shared here. I am really thankful for