Radiant 9.0.1 hangs up after a while, and how i store forminputs in mysqldatabase

i hope somebody is able to help me please. I have installed a working
Radiant CMS on my Webspace


  • Ubuntu Linux 8.0.4 LTS (Virtual Server 1 & 1)
  • Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)
  • git version
  • Phusion Passenger version 3.0.0
  • Rails 3.0.3
  • Ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux]
  • WEBrick 1.3.1
  • gem 1.3.7

Problem 1 - Server hangs up after a while:

When i start my radiant with this command: script/server -e production
my cms will run nearly 2 hours and after this time it keeps to be hang

Does somebody know why, please?

Problem 1 - Store userinputs from webformular in MYSQL Database

How it is possible - to send formularinputs to a phpscript that stores
this values
in my database?

Please help me, i searched and googled but i have no solution for this

Regards and Thank You


  • Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)
  • Phusion Passenger version 3.0.0
  • Rails 3.0.3
  • Ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux]
  • WEBrick 1.3.1
  • gem 1.3.7

Problem 1 - Server hangs up after a while:

When i start my radiant with this command: script/server -e production
my cms will run nearly 2 hours and after this time it keeps to be hang

I’m not sure script/server is the way to run your webserver. I think
that starts WEBrick, which is not an ideal choice for production

There should be a site configuration file for apache that points to your
application’s public directory. Let me know if you have that
configuration file – if not, I’ll send you a sample configuration file.

Problem 1 - Store userinputs from webformular in MYSQL Database

How it is possible - to send formularinputs to a phpscript that stores
this values
in my database?

Do you mean you have a PHP script that receives the form input and needs
to store the input into the database?

Hi Kevin,

thank you for your answer, but i think my configuration is not optimal
and the server hangs up again after 2 hours. # Problem 2 - to write in
Database, i have solved it by use of a simple php scirpt and it works

Now, i have replaced Webrick with Mongrel, and in my apache
configuration file
i put this entries and start mongrel with this command script/server -e

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.betriebsgesellschaft.de

Order deny,allow Allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/0049e.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/0049a.log combined

DocumentRoot /var/www/public/
PassengerHighPerformance on

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName betriebsgesellschaft.de
redirect permanent / http://www.betriebsgesellschaft.de/

My document Root (and radiant root) is

At apache restart i get this message, can you be so kind and tell me
what its mean?

[Tue Dec 14 21:00:23 2010] [error] VirtualHost :80 – mixing * ports
and non-
ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
proceeding with undefined results

(I am sure the mistake is here)

Thank you for your help and a look in your above mentioned config file
would very helpful for me.

Regards and Thanks

[Tue Dec 14 21:00:23 2010] [error] VirtualHost :80 – mixing * ports
and non-
ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
proceeding with undefined results

From what I’ve read online and the error message, if you find the
configuration file that specifies NameVirtualHost address and change it
to *:80, that may fix the problem.

I also notice that your configuration file refers to Passenger and that
you have Passenger on your server. Make sure that Passenger is unloaded
from Apache:



Hi Thomas,

I’m not sure what is wrong. I think this is a question for Rails forum
or for someone in this forum that knows more about it.

You may want to post this in a new thread, so that it is clear this is a
new issue.

Sorry that I failed to help you … I’m new to Rails and servers myself.

Good luck!

Hi Kevin,

thank you for your help i have now this configuration:

=> Booting Mongrel
=> Rails 2.3.8 application starting on

I started radiant with: script/server -e production -p 8080

after 3 hours, that happens

Read from remote host betriebsgesellschaft.de: Operation timed out
Connection to betriebsgesellschaft.de closed.

Do you know why?

Thank you in advantage

Kevin Triplett wrote in post #968463:

[Tue Dec 14 21:00:23 2010] [error] VirtualHost :80 – mixing * ports
and non-
ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
proceeding with undefined results

From what I’ve read online and the error message, if you find the
configuration file that specifies NameVirtualHost address and change it
to *:80, that may fix the problem.

I also notice that your configuration file refers to Passenger and that
you have Passenger on your server. Make sure that Passenger is unloaded
from Apache:



When i start my radiant with this command: script/server -e production
my cms will run nearly 2 hours and after this time it keeps to be hang

I sense a buggy request that makes a regexp (or alike) crap out. Check
your log files to see when your app hangs, which controller/action is at
fault, and which request params were sent.

I have been through that in the past.