Rails, Postgres and the Date Field

Hi guys,

I’m having problems with my app. First of all, I created a date_select
with the code:

<%= date_select(‘contact’, ‘birthday’, :order => [‘day’,‘month’,‘year’])

In the contacts table, I create a date field:

birthday DATE

When I save the values goes wrong into the database. From the log:

INSERT INTO contacts (“name”, “nickname”, “home_page”, “mobile”,
“birthday”, “phone”, “user_id”, “address”, “email”) VALUES(‘test’,
‘test’, ‘test’, 12345, ‘0010-01-01’, 12345, 2, ‘test’, ‘[email protected]’);

I already put the following code in my environment.rb.

:default => ‘%m/%d/%Y’,
:date_time12 => “%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p”,
:date_time24 => “%m/%d/%Y %H:%M”,

And the date are still displayed as year, month, day.

How can I change this behavior?

Thanks in advance.

Fernando L.

Fernando L. wrote:

birthday DATE
The type DATE doesn’t work well with rails. I change the type to
timestamp and it worked in the view. Even changing the type of the
column, I still have problems recording its values .

Just if I put the date_select in the format:

<%= date_select(‘contact’, ‘birthday’, :order => [‘year’,‘month’,‘day’]

It works…

How can I change this to work accordingly with my app?


Fernando L.

Fernando L. wrote:

The type DATE doesn’t work well with rails. I change the type to
timestamp and it worked in the view. Even changing the type of the
column, I still have problems recording its values .

Just if I put the date_select in the format:

<%= date_select(‘contact’, ‘birthday’, :order => [‘year’,‘month’,‘day’]

It DOES NOT works…

Fernando L.