Generating an Atom Feed?

Does anyone know of a library for generating an Atom feed? I’ve looked
around, but can only seem to find parsers, not generators.

I don’t imagine it’d be hard to hack up the code to do this in pure
Ruby, but if there’s an existing library, I’d like to use it.

Nathan O. wrote:

Does anyone know of a library for generating an Atom feed? I’ve looked
around, but can only seem to find parsers, not generators.

feedtools can generate and parse atom feeds.


On Wed, 10 May 2006 02:51:12 +0900, you wrote:

Does anyone know of a library for generating an Atom feed? I’ve looked
around, but can only seem to find parsers, not generators.

i ran into the same problem when i wrote tkblog (tck/tk) and i wanted
to create an rss feed. found parsers but no generators

I don’t imagine it’d be hard to hack up the code to do this in pure
Ruby, but if there’s an existing library, I’d like to use it.

that’s exactly what i did in tcl. i’m guessing the ruby code would be
a lot more efficient than what i did. probalby less than 20 lines of

there was a big advantage when writing it by brute force. i learned
that the rss standard wasn’t. but because it was my own code i could
change it as the standard changed :slight_smile: and when i was done i had my own
tcl extension.

the major disadvantage was that the rss standard was all over the
place. i spent hours trying to track down the “real” standard. while
writing the code i tested a boatload of rss feed readers. some where
very forgiving of the “standard” and some were very strict.

this was a few years ago so it’s entirely possible it’s since been
ratified or whatever they do to nail down a standard to only a few
versions :slight_smile: