Login generator always give login unsuccessfull

hi guys,
i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login
at the end i add to the database login and password
but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull
can anyone help me

notice: i m beginner in webdeveloppement and especially ruby on rails


2006/5/6, charbel [email protected]:

i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login
at the end i add to the database login and password
but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull

you can’t create a user over the database, because LoginGenerater uses a
Have a look at your login-model, there is sth like this:

Please change the salt to something else,

Every application should use a different one

@@salt = ‘something’

So you have to create an accout via signup, then the salt is included.


On thing that helped me with logins and understanding the

‘tail’ (monitor the end of) the log\development.log file. Tail on *nix
is a
command, in windows you can tell radrails to tail the file, or just open
file & look at the end.

Look for lines like:
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Edit”, “action”=>“update”, “id”=>“2”,
“controller”=>“agents”, “agent”=>{“name”=>“John”, “phones”=>“Cell:
123\r\nWork: 466d”,

if you see Parameters: {“commit”=>“Sign in”, “action”=>“login”,
“controller”=>“agents”, “password”=>“secret”, “agent”=>“soso”}

then you aren’t doing something to the password to encrypt it.

On 5/5/06, charbel [email protected] wrote:

hi guys,


2006/5/6, charbel [email protected]:

i just tried to add user through signup but when i always get this error
NoMethodError in AccountController#signup
undefined method `redirect_back_or_default’ for

comment it out, you don’t need this. Instead write
redirect_to :action => ‘list’
or sth like this.


Beate P. wrote:

2006/5/6, charbel [email protected]:

i just tried to add user through signup but when i always get this error
NoMethodError in AccountController#signup
undefined method `redirect_back_or_default’ for

comment it out, you don’t need this. Instead write
redirect_to :action => ‘list’
or sth like this.


thanks mate
it works

Beate P. wrote:


2006/5/6, charbel [email protected]:

i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login
at the end i add to the database login and password
but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull

you can’t create a user over the database, because LoginGenerater uses a
Have a look at your login-model, there is sth like this:

Please change the salt to something else,

Every application should use a different one

@@salt = ‘something’

So you have to create an accout via signup, then the salt is included.


i just tried to add user through signup but when i always get this error
NoMethodError in AccountController#signup
undefined method `redirect_back_or_default’ for
RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…

Parameters: {“user”=>{“password_confirmation”=>“qwer1234”,
“login”=>“abcdefgh”, “password”=>“qwer1234”}}

Show session dump

user: !ruby/object:User
id: “7”
password: fe964d422611d1f63a5e4b648c8118cba1d3f30c
login: abcdefgh
flash: !map:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash
notice: Signup successful

Headers: {“cookie”=>[], “Cache-Control”=>“no-cache”}