Completely uninstalling one-click installer

Hi all.

Here is the situation: a few monthes ago I’ve started my excersises with
Ruby. I’ve downloaded One-Cilck Installer, installed it and was happy.
installed also rubygems, rdoc, some third-party libraries, bla-bla-bla.

Now I have a wish to make “self-containing” distribution of my program
interpreter itself, and mininum libraries). To study, shat is “minimum”,
I’ve completely uninstalled Ruby, and then trying to start onlu ruby.exe
(taken from latest snaphot):

ruby.exe test.rb

I receive the strange message:

ruby: no such file to load – ubygems (LoadError)

WTF? I think there remained somewhere system variables or something like
this, which says ruby to look for rubygems? (I don’t know, if this
must be on completely clear computer, but I think it is not).

Would be happy for your advices.



I’ve completely uninstalled Ruby, and then trying to start onlu ruby.exe
must be on completely clear computer, but I think it is not).

Stop! I was an idiot! I have to reboot my Windows after uninstall :slight_smile:
