Net::LDAP 0.0.1

We’re pleased to announce the first release of Net::LDAP, the first
pure-Ruby LDAP library. Net::LDAP intends to be a feature-complete
LDAP client which can access as much as possible of the functionality
of the most-used LDAP server implementations. This library does
not wrap any existing native-code LDAP libraries, creates no
Ruby extensions, and has no dependencies external to Ruby.

Net::LDAP includes a full implementation of the LDAP wire-line
protocol so it can also be used in LDAP server implementations.

Thanks for Austin Z. for invaluable help in reviewing the
implementation and providing the release structure.

= What is Net::LDAP for Ruby?
This library provides a pure-Ruby implementation of an LDAP client.
It can be used to access any server which implements the LDAP protocol.

Net::LDAP is intended to provide full LDAP functionality while hiding
the more arcane aspects of the LDAP protocol itself, so as to make the
programming interface as Ruby-like as possible.

In particular, this means that there is no direct dependence on the
structure of the various “traditional” LDAP clients. This is a ground-up
rethinking of the LDAP API.

Net::LDAP is based on RFC-1777, which specifies the Lightweight
Access Protocol, as amended and extended by subsequent RFCs and by the
widely-used directory implementations.

Copyright:: 2006 by Francis C.

Please read the file LICENCE for licensing restrictions on this library.
the simplest terms, this library is available under the same terms as

== Requirements and Installation
Net::LDAP requires Ruby 1.8.2 or better.

Net::LDAP can be installed with:

% ruby setup.rb

Alternatively, you can use the RubyGems version of Net::LDAP available
as ruby-net-ldap-0.0.1.gem from the usual sources.

== Whet your appetite:
require ‘net/ldap’

ldap = :host => server_ip_address,
     :port => 389,
     :auth => {
           :method => :simple,
           :username => "cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com",
           :password => "opensesame"

filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "cn", "George*" )
treebase = "dc=example,dc=com" :base => treebase, :filter => filter ) do |entry|
  puts "DN: #{entry.dn}"
  entry.each do |attribute, values|
    puts "   #{attribute}:"
    values.each do |value|
      puts "      --->#{value}"

p ldap.get_operation_result

== Net::LDAP 0.0.1: May 1, 2006

  • Initial release.
  • Client functionality is near-complete, although the APIs
    are not guaranteed and may change depending on feedback
    from the community.
  • We’re internally working on a Ruby-based implementation
    of a full-featured, production-quality LDAP server,
    which will leverage the underlying LDAP and BER functionality
    in Net::LDAP.
  • Please tell us if you would be interested in seeing a public
    release of the LDAP server.
  • Grateful acknowledgement to Austin Z., who reviewed
    this code and provided the release framework, including

On 5/1/06, Francis C. [email protected] wrote:

We’re pleased to announce the first release of Net::LDAP, the first
pure-Ruby LDAP library. Net::LDAP intends to be a feature-complete
LDAP client which can access as much as possible of the functionality
of the most-used LDAP server implementations. This library does
not wrap any existing native-code LDAP libraries, creates no
Ruby extensions, and has no dependencies external to Ruby.

Net::LDAP includes a full implementation of the LDAP wire-line
protocol so it can also be used in LDAP server implementations.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Do you mind if I ask how long this has been in development? The code
comments look like the best I’ve seen in any open-source LDAP

Started working on this about two weeks ago. Spent about a week working

You are the man. This blows what Python and Perl have out of the
water, in my opinion.

Well, light it up, give it a try, and tell me what you think should be
different! :slight_smile:
I’m especially interested in any problems people may have with Active
Directory. This was tested heavily against Unix servers. We know about
1000-entry limitation on A/D queries. That will be fixed shortly.

Yes, that’s precisely the plan: the point of writing an LDAP server in
is that it would be so easy to extend, particularly by feeding it from
dynamic data. We have a particular interest in aggregating multiple
directories on the fly, and also augmenting directory entries with
presence data. We already do this in C++ on another project, but Ruby is
just so much nicer.

Quoting [email protected], on Tue, May 02, 2006 at 06:00:28AM

  • Please tell us if you would be interested in seeing a public
    release of the LDAP server.

I would use an ldap server if it was toolkit for dynamic resolution of
ldap queries.

I have ruby code to read the OS X AddressBook database, but there is no
way to share that info to other AddressBook users.

I could write an LDAP server that published address info from my address
book to the local network using LDAP, and others using AddessBook could
subscribe to it. Very handy. Probably work cross platform with many
different kind of apps. Why should you have to hire a sysadmin just to
share your address book? Drives me nuts, but there are lots of client
libraries for LDAP around… not so many servers.

If you do make a server, I don’t know your plan, but maybe you can keep
use cases that involve serving dynamic data in mind - more like webrick
and less like slapd written in ruby.
