Undefined method


I’m new to rails and have stumbled across this error. I’m not sure where
I am supposed to define the method user_id . I have included the
offending code and my controller. Can anyone help?!

NoMethodError in Registeredphone#new

Showing app/views/registeredphone/new.rhtml where line #15 raised:

undefined method `user_id’ for #Registeredphone:0x3874030

Extracted source (around line #15):

13: <% @user.each do |user| %>
14: <option value="<%= user.id %>"
15: <%= ‘selected’ if user.id == @registeredphone.user_id %>>
16: <%= user.txtForename %>
18: <% end %>

My controller is as follows:

class RegisteredphoneController < ApplicationController
layout “standard-layout”
scaffold :registeredphone

def delete
	redirect_to :action => 'list'

def create
	@registeredphone = Registeredphone.new(@params['registeredphone'])
	@registeredphone.txtregisterdatetime = Time.now
	if @registeredphone.save
		redirect_to :action => 'list'
		render_action 'new'

def new
	@registeredphone = Registeredphone.new
	@user = User.find_all

def list
	@user = @params['user']
	@registeredphones = Registeredphone.find_all

def edit
	@registeredphone = Registeredphone.find(@params["id"])
	@user = User.find_all


Any help would be appreciated!!

On Apr 24, 2006, at 13:26, Alana Murphy wrote:

undefined method `user_id’ for #Registeredphone:0x3874030
This error message means that a method “user_id” is being called on
an instance of the class Registeredphone, and such a method is
unknown by instances of said class. The trace suggests the offending
code is around line 15 of “app/views/registeredphone/new.rhtml”.

15: <%= ‘selected’ if user.id == @registeredphone.user_id %>>

Yeah, right there. You need to decide whether that should be a valid
call, and if it should why the method is actually not defined.

– fxn

As I’m new to rails and still learning my way, I’m not sure why the
method is not defined or where it should be defined. My model is as

class Registeredphone < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name “tblregisteredphones”
set_primary_key “TblRegisteredPhonesID”
belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => “intUserID”

Is this where I should be defining ‘user_id’? The foreign key in this
table (intUserID)is linked to the id in the user table (TblUserID) and
has been aliased due to difficult naming conventions used in this legacy
schema. Do I need to do more, or is this alias method correct?

Thank you,


Xavier N. wrote:

On Apr 24, 2006, at 13:26, Alana Murphy wrote:

undefined method `user_id’ for #Registeredphone:0x3874030
This error message means that a method “user_id” is being called on
an instance of the class Registeredphone, and such a method is
unknown by instances of said class. The trace suggests the offending
code is around line 15 of “app/views/registeredphone/new.rhtml”.

15: <%= ‘selected’ if user.id == @registeredphone.user_id %>>

Yeah, right there. You need to decide whether that should be a valid
call, and if it should why the method is actually not defined.

– fxn

Thanks for your help, its all up and running now!


ActiveRecord is expectinb your registered_phone table to contain a
column named ‘user_id’. It seems you are using ‘intUserID’ to keep
track of the relationship, so if you change ‘user_id’ in your view to
‘intUserID’, it should work.

On Monday, April 24, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Alana Murphy wrote:

On Apr 24, 2006, at 13:26, Alana Murphy wrote:
call, and if it should why the method is actually not defined.

– fxn

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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