Login_Engine and use_email_notification

I got a problem with the set up of Action Mailer and Login_Engine.

I’m actually not able to disable email notification, as I could see in
the doc of login_engine it seem that I just need to insert a line in
the environement.rb of my application, like that :

module LoginEngine

#  ... other options...
config :use_email_notification, false


But I don’t get it working, I always get the following warning : “Error
creating account: confirmation email not sent”

Any help is welcome,

Grosjean Sébastien


from the login_engine rdoc:

An overriding flag to control whether or not user accounts must be
verified by email. This overrides the user_email_notification flag.
Defaults to true.

so you probably have to set :confirm_account to false as well.
