Login_engine database migration broken?

I’m trying to install the login_engine. I installed the engine system
and the login_engine, and now I’m trying to migrate the database schema,
as detailed here: http://api.rails-engines.org/login_engine/.

The commands I’ve tried are:

rake engine_migrate ENGINE=login which fails with “Don’t know how to
build task ‘engine_migrate’.”


rake import_login_engine_schema ENGINE=login which fails with “no such
file to load –

and there is, infact, no such file. There’s only one named
“001_initial_schema.rb” in login_engine/db/migrate.

Will it work find if I just add the table to my sql database? Thanks,


Adam B. wrote:

I’m trying to install the login_engine. I installed the engine system
and the login_engine, and now I’m trying to migrate the database schema,
as detailed here: http://api.rails-engines.org/login_engine/.

The commands I’ve tried are:

rake engine_migrate ENGINE=login which fails with “Don’t know how to
build task ‘engine_migrate’.”


rake import_login_engine_schema ENGINE=login which fails with “no such
file to load –

and there is, infact, no such file. There’s only one named
“001_initial_schema.rb” in login_engine/db/migrate.

Will it work find if I just add the table to my sql database? Thanks,


Hi Adam:

Im using login and user engines with rails 1.1.2

My question may be obvious but…
Have you installed plugin engines?

Which rails version do you have?



Rails 1.1.2, and yeah I have.

I got it working though. I took the file “001_initial_schema.rb” moved
it to root/db/migrate and did a rake migrate. That worked.

I think it’s just a problem with the documentation.



Hi, I’m experiencing a similar issue however I don’t think it’s a
problem with the documentation since after you install the Engines
plugin, my understanding is that there should be added rake tasks, like
db:migrate:engines and a few others.

I followed the instructions per the Engines plugin installation note and
the install reported that it had successfully installed, yet when i do a
rake db:migrate:engines ENGINE=login I get the same rake task not found
type error and sure enough when I do a rake -T there is no
db:migration:engines task.

When I run script/plugins list --remote it does show that both the
engines and login_engine are both installed.

When rake executes where and how does it lookup available rake tasks?
Also do I need to add anything to the environments.rb file to help rails
find the plugin directory?

Thanks in advance,


Adam B. wrote:

Rails 1.1.2, and yeah I have.

I got it working though. I took the file “001_initial_schema.rb” moved
it to root/db/migrate and did a rake migrate. That worked.

I think it’s just a problem with the documentation.

