Error using find() method "couldn't find"

I get the following error-message:
“Couldn’t find Activitycategory with ID=1”

How do I make RoR handle this error?
When the id is nog found he should return a string or 0 or whatever.

I’m guessing by using exceptions but I’m not very familiar with ruby
itself …



Hello Steven,

I get the following error-message:
“Couldn’t find Activitycategory with ID=1”

How do I make RoR handle this error?
When the id is nog found he should return a string or 0 or whatever.

I’m guessing by using exceptions but I’m not very familiar with ruby
itself …

Yes, you have to catch the exception raised by the #find method :

rescue RecordNotFound

handle the error

wish a flash[] message or whatever…


-- Jean-François.