App not waiting for popen to finish


I’m using ‘wget’ to download a few files and then tar them up. I’m
using popen to make calls to wget and tar. Problem is that it tries to
call tar right after the wget call. I need to wait for wget to finish.
Here is what i’ve got so far.

categories = […]

categories.each_with_index { |url,i|
IO.popen(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”)
IO.popen(“tar -zcf public_html/category_#{i}.tar.gz files”)

Thanks in advance.


On Apr 11, 2006, at 1:31 AM, |MKSM| wrote:

IO.popen(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”)
IO.popen(“tar -zcf public_html/category_#{i}.tar.gz files”)

Thanks in advance.


The solution would be to do


However since you aren’t apparently even using the IO capabilities of
popen, why not simply make use of system? It will automatically wait
for the process to exit

system(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”)
Of course if the only reason you are using IO.popen is to prevent
output to the console you can do
system(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url} 2>&1 >/dev/null”)
Or even:

Process.wait Process.fork { STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", “w”);
STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", “w”); exec(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”) }

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, |MKSM| wrote:

IO.popen(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”)
here you have a pipe that’s been returned. wget is writing to it. you
need to read all of wget’s output and close the pipe:

IO.popen(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”){|pipe|}

IO.popen(“tar -zcf public_html/category_#{i}.tar.gz files”)

Thanks in advance.



Thanks for your suggestion. I’m going with the last one using a block
with popen. That way i can easily send the output to a logfile.

Best Regards,


On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, |MKSM| wrote:

Thanks for your suggestion. I’m going with the last one using a block
with popen. That way i can easily send the output to a logfile.

Best Regards,

fyi. you still need to call Process.wait if you also want the status.
my session lib you can do this as

require ‘session’

sh = Session::SH::new

stdout, stderr = ‘’, ‘’
append = lambda{|o,e| stdout << o if o; stderr << e if e}

status =
sh.execute(“wget -r -np -l 0 -w 4 #{url}”, &append)

status =
sh.execute(“tar -zcf public_html/category_#{i}.tar.gz files”,

where stdout and stderr can be anything that supports ‘<<’. the above
only one child process as well.

