Getting error while running typo


I have downloaded typo version “typo-2.6.0_with-rails” from typo
website. & I have already installed rails, mysql recommended by typo in
their “readme” file. Now I hhave created new database & populated it
with the sql queries provided by typo. & also made proper changes in
“database.yml” file. Now when I am trying to launch application through
browser I am getting following error:-

require': No such file to load -- ./script/../config/..//vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge (LoadError) from ./script/../config/..//vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash.rb:3 from ./script/../config/..//vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext.rb:1:inrequire’
each' from ./script/../config/..//vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext.rb:1 from ./script/../config/..//vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb:30:inrequire’
from ./script/…/config/environment.rb:46:in require' from ./script/../config/environment.rb:46 from ./script/server:42:inrequire’
from ./script/server:42
from -e:3:in `load’
from -e:3


Why I am getting this error as all things are right?

Please tell me.
Thanx in advance.