ObjectSpace searching

I wrote some code that searches ObjectSpace prior to initializing an
object to see if one of that type and some attributes is already
present and uses that instead of initializing. (yes it’s active record
and i am trying to avoid stale object errors). How horrible is this? I
am searching by specific class name so in practice it ends up looking
at at most a couple of instances but is there something inherently
wrong with doing this?

def find_in_space(search_id, search_version = nil)
retval = nil
retval = person if (p.id == search_id) &&
search_version &&
p.lock_version == search_version
return retval || Person.find(search_id)


On Apr 9, 2006, at 8:06 PM, Mark Alexander F. wrote:

retval = person if (p.id == search_id) &&
search_version &&
p.lock_version == search_version
return retval || Person.find(search_id)

For one, you could fail early:

s = ‘foo’
obj = nil
ObjectSpace.each_object(String) { |str| if str.equal? s then obj =
str; break; end }
p obj # => ‘foo’

Really, you should handle errors properly. This code won’t eliminate
the possibility of a double-update, another process can cause them to
happen after this code gets run.

(Also, you should use cached_model and turn on its local cache. Much
more efficient than traversing ObjectSpace.)

Eric H. - [email protected] - http://blog.segment7.net
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant


2006/4/10, Mark Alexander F. [email protected]:

retval = person if (p.id == search_id) &&
search_version &&
p.lock_version == search_version
return retval || Person.find(search_id)

This is bound to be slow. The easiest improvement you can do is to
have the return inside the block. But even that will not change the
order of magnitude (both approaches are O(n)).

Also, you seem to have a bug in there - you frequently use “p.” where
it should probably rather read “person.”.

If you do those lookups frequently, I’d rather consider using an
approach that uses a hash inside the class object.


class Person
attr_reader :id
def initialize(id) @id = id end

@instances = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = [new(k)]}

def self.get(search_id, search_version = nil)
arr = @instances[search_id]
arr.each {|per| return per if search_version == per.lock_version}
if search_version

I don’t know what exactly you need the version for but the asymmetry
(with and without version) strikes me as odd.

Kind regards
