Archive-tar-external 1.2.0

Hi all,

I pleased to announce the release of archive-tar-external 1.2.0. This
was formerly known as archive-tarsimple. In the interests of
consistency, as
well as continued good relations between the U.S. and Canada and general
Interstellar Harmony, The package, as well as the internal class, have

What is it?

A simple wrapper for external system calls to deal with tarballs and
zipped/gzip’d/bzip’d files.

What’s new?

The package name on the RAA is now tar-external.
The package name on RubyForge is now archive-tar-external.
The base class is now Tar::External (nested under the Archive module).

In addition to the naming changes, there are two new class methods and
one new
instance method:

Tar::External.uncompress_archive - For those times you want to
uncompress an
archive that already exists.

Tar::External.extract_archive - For those times you want to untar a
that already exists.

Tar::External#compressed_archive_name= - For those times you want to
create a
new Tar::External object from an archive that already exists.

See the docs for more details on these methods.

Why the name change?

It was pointed out to me that not only was the naming scheme
using Archive::Tar might cause potential name clashes. That, and it
really clear from the name that this isn’t a wrapper for zlib.

Hopefully this will not cause folks too much grief. Based on the
stats I’ve seen on RubyForge…I doubt it. :wink:

Where is it?

You can get it on the RAA or RubyForge (under the ‘shards’ project).

